目錄:宇環數控機床股份有限公司>>高精度磨床>>數控立式高精度磨床>> YHDM7745雙端面數控立式高精度磨床
布局形式 | 立式 | 產地 | 國產 |
加工材質 | 硬金屬,軟金屬,合金,鋼結構,塑料,纖維,板材,橡膠,玻璃,陶瓷,石材,磁性材料,其他 | 加工用途 | 外圓柱面,內圓柱面 |
界面語言 | 中文,英文,日語,德語,韓語,其他語言 | 類型 | 普通,數控,高精度,萬能,高速,仿形,其他 |
磨削類型 | 濕式 | 數控系統 | 無,可選配,三菱/MITSUBISHI,廣州數控/GSK,華興/WASHING,西門子/SIEMENS,海德漢/HEIDENHAIN,法格/FAGOR,發那科/FANUC,凱恩帝/KND,上海開通,華中/HNC,大隈/OKUMA,寶元/LNC,新代/SYNTEC,力士樂/Rexroth,其他數控系統 |
銷售區域 | 全國,華東,華南,華北,華中,東北,西南,西北,港澳臺,海外 | 自動化程度 | 自動 |
YHDM7745雙端面數控立式高精度磨床主要用途: Main purpose
It is designed for simultaneously grinding the two parallel side surfaces of the workpiece. Various high precise and thin workpieces with parallel side surfaces, no matter made of metal or nonmetal material, can be processed. Such as bearing, valve, seal, oil pump vane, piston ring, etc.
YHDM7745雙端面數控立式高精度磨床技術特點: Technical characters:
1.The machine body adopts boxlike overall structure; The grinding head parts and body section work closely together with overall adjustment structural for the upper machine body; with vertical wheel head spindle .
2.Adpots Siemens CNC system withstable performance, high inligentization and flexibility.
3.The wheel head parts adopt high precise feeding system and equipped with auxiliary worm wheel to adjust the return clearance of wheel head at any time, so that improve the feeding accuracy of the entire wheelhead , The grinding head parts are with reliable sealing and sufficient lubrication to get the guarantee of long - term precision.
4.Feeding carrier mechanism adopts AC servo motorwithStable transmission, rotational feeding (rotational speed 1-15rpm) and constant removal rate processing (that is variable speed feed processing to each workpiece),which greatly raise the quality and the efficiency of processing; Open is flexible, replacing wheel is convenience.
5.Equipped with CBN grinding wheels, High speed, high efficiency, high quality grinding
6.Marposs measurer with continuously measuring and feedback, make sure the transferring of rough grinding to fine grinding.
7.The cooling liquid can be recycled after the treatment through the magnetic scraper conveyor - vortex separator - oil cooler - pipe filters
8.Mechanical arm loading and unloading, high automation.
9.Diamond roller wheel of the dresser unit.
YHDM7745雙端面技術參數: Technical spec:
項目Item | 單位Unit | 參數Specs |
加工工件直徑Diameter of parts | mm | φ12—φ120 |
加工工件厚度Thickness of parts | mm | 0.9—50 |
工件平面度 平行度Plainness and parallelism | mm | ≤0.002 |
表面粗糙度Surface roughness | um | ≤Ra0.32 |
砂輪尺寸Size of grinding wheel | mm | φ457×φ76×65 |
整機質量 Total Weight | Kg | 9500 |
磨頭電機 Power of wheelhead motor | Kw | 30Kw×2 |
機床外形尺寸(長×寬×高) Overall dimensions (L×W×H) | mm | 3200×2700×2800 |