標立激光科技有限公司,是一家集研發,生產,銷售為一體的專業激光設備生產企業。公司匯聚了國內激光企業的專業激光技術人才和管理人才,融合和引進激光技術,開發出了自主知識產權的光纖激光打標機、紫外激光打標機、 CO2激光打標機、激光焊接機、激光切割機等工業激光成套設備。本公司設備具有外形美觀實用、性能穩定、加工精度高、壽命長、價格競爭力強等特占日益受到電子,精密機械零件等各類企業客戶關注,認可和信賴。為了盡量滿足各類型客戶要求,公司開通了激光設備銷售、租賃,產品激光加工、駐廠激光加工等服務。愿為您的產品沖出亞洲,走向世界而錦上添花。激光加工技術是國家重點支持的一項*,特別是政府強調要振興制造業,這就給激光加工技術應用帶來發展機遇。標立激光全體員工借助這個和諧美好的時代,愿意與各界人士及同行朋友攜手并肩,為激光這個朝陽產業而奮勇前進。 Biao Li Laser Technology Co.,LTD is a professional laser equipment manufacturer integrating r&d, production and sales of laser machines. Gathered with a number of outstanding laser technical and management personnel , our company compromise and introduce the advanced international laser technology, developed the machines with proprietary intellectual property rights, including optical fiber laser marking machine, UV laser marking machine, c02 laser marking machine, laser welding machine, laser cutting machine and other industrial laser equipment.Our products are not only have good-looking, but also get stable performance and high precision, with competitive price but long durable days, we got more and more attention, recognition and trust from the various enterprises of the high-end electronics and precision machinery. To meet the different request from customers, we are flexible of the business on machine sales, machine rent, laser products manufacture, and we also provide service of sending the machine to customer' s factory to do manufactures. We hope to make some contribution to make your products become famous worldwide.Laser processing technology is a high and new technology supported by the government, especially the official department emphasizes to revitalize the manufacturing industry, which brings development opportunities to the application of laser processing technology. With the help of this harmonious and beautiful era, we, Biao Li Laser Technology Co., Ltd, is willing to keep up with the pace of times, go hand in hand together with all the peers in the laser industry.
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