1 主機
l 主要構件采用UGS/ANSYS/CAD三維有限元分析和優化設計;確保該機設計美觀、結構可靠、工作穩定;
l 四缸結構的兩個整體焊接機架,經應力處理后,由齊二公司大型落地鏜銑床精密加工,保證四個油缸的
l 滑塊和工作臺立板的四個導軌面、貼合面一次裝夾加工成型,保證了機床足夠的剛度、工作精度和穩定性;
2 液壓系統
l 德國BOSCH進口的電液伺服閥組和壓力閥組,油路結構緊湊、同步精度高、
l 雙機聯動時同步塊控制,液壓均衡、可靠,使用壽命長;
l 下死點暫停保壓功能;
l 油泵高壓濾油器阻塞報警;
l 超負荷安全溢流保護;
l 工件折彎的直線度誤差 1mm / 7m
5 機身
l 在機床兩端裝上兩個光柵尺(Y1、Y2軸),用來檢測滑塊與工作臺的距離,光柵尺與工作臺相連接,
l 立柱變形不會影響定位,位置數據反饋到數控系統后,可以測出輸出伺服閥控制信。
6 后擋料
l 機架內檔墻板上安裝有滾珠絲桿、滾動導軌數控后擋料(X軸)。
l X軸分別安裝在四個墻板的兩外檔內,用來控制中小型零件的多種規格尺寸的折彎定位。
l X軸可同步或單動,能同時加工同規格板料、不同邊長(擋料尺寸不同)的工件加工。
1.The press brake consists of two horizontal integral welding frames and intermediate two connecting beams.
2.The four cylinders are arranged on the wallboard,and rigid connected with block.
3.The workbench is composed of four -U adjustable wedge block,which connected with four wall boards.
4.The whole block,workbench and assembled frame consist of one load uniformly distributed,high-precision requirements of the four cylinder synchronous CNC bending machine.
5.The double linkage consists of two single machine tools and linkage block by CNC,which can be single or double operation.
6.The frame has the characteristic of good rigidity,high processing precision,good manufacturability,convenient installation and transportation.
7.Sliding block and workbench force is reasonable and uniform load.
8.Sliding block and oil cylinder connected rigidly,guaranteeing the block's synchronization accuracy in fast forward,work and return.
9.Due to the grating ruler feedback and synchronization valve control,the machine tool has strong anti-side load capabiliry.
10.Due to the adoption of CNC synchronous cards,it ensures double linkage synchronous precision by the grating ruler's synchronous feedback.