
鋸條寬度 10-35mm
鋸條線速度 1500m/min
切高 370mm
喉口寬度 580mm
工作臺尺寸 700×608mm
工作臺轉角 0-45°
鋸輪直徑 600mm
電機輸出功率 4kW
機器凈毛重 330/350kgs
包裝尺寸 1230×860×2080mm
With an even heavier box-style, welded spine contributes added stiffness to these steel saw frames to withstand high tension from 35mm resaw blades. The strength of the bandsaw body allows the blade to be tensioned to 20000psi for accurate cutting.
Running at 1500m/min, the BS600 providing a cleaner, faster cut with a better finish. All design are service for lasting performance and it's the ideal bandsaw for industrial use in workshop.
* 精鑄飛輪經動平衡處理,提供足夠慣量,保證切割的均勻性。
* 一體成型超高抗拉強度鋸身,承受25000PSI鋸條漲緊力。
* 軸承式鋸卡,方便調整及更換,有效減小對鋸條的損傷,并消除切割沖擊時鋸條發生的擺動。
* 重型鑄鐵工作臺轉角機構,消除工作臺加大后轉角的不穩定性。