The NILES-SIMMONS Cranks-haft Turn-Broa-ching Machi-nes N20 TB and N30 TB are based on the modu-lar buil-ding-block sys-tem of the N?series. Two sym-metri-cally arran-ged tool spind-les with power-ful and elec-tro-ni-cally syn-chro-ni-zed spindle dri-ves and two mir-ror imaged broa-ching units with highly dyna-mic rotary axes to locate the tool discs ensure effi-ci-ent tur-ning and turn-broa-ching ope-ra-ti-ons on cranks-haft bea-rings and other con-centric fea-tures of cranks-hafts. The use of maxi-mum 2x48 tool pockets to locate the rever-si-ble cut-ting inserts ensu-res high fle-xi-bi-lity and long tool life due to the use of sis-ter tools.

Added value:
- 2 sym-metri-cal, tem-pe-ra-ture con-trol-led motor spindle dri-ves with excel-lent power and tor-que parameters
- Rapid posi-tio-ning of cut-ting tools by means of highly dyna-mic rotary axes
- Simul-ta-ne-ous ope-ra-tion of both tool disks with inde-pen-dent feed rates
- Adap-ta-ble clam-ping solu-ti-ons with shaft chucks to machine flange and post in one setup
- Semi-auto-ma-tic tool clam-ping, auto-ma-tic trans-fer of pre-set tool data via ID-chip
Technical data
Turn Broa-ching TB | |||
Spe-ci-fi-ca-tion | N20 TB | N30 TB | |
Working area | |||
Nomi-nal length | mm | 1000 / 1500 | 1500 / 2000 / 2500 |
Swing over cross slide guide | mm | 650 | 780 |
Tool length, max. | mm | 500 / 850 | 800 / 1300 / 1800 |
Main spindle and counter | |||
Work spindle nose DIN 550266 | size | A8 | A11 |
Work spindle bore | mm | 92 | 92 |
Spindle dia-me-ter in front bearing | mm | 150 | 180 |
Drive power / 60% duty cycle | kW | 2 x 31 / 35 | 2 x 64 / 78 |
Speed range | rpm | 2500 | 3000 |
LH and RH tool drive unit | |||
Rapid feed cross / longitudinal | m/min | 30 / 40 | 18 / 30 |
LH and RH tool system | |||
Tool accep-t-ance | DIN 55026 | A11 | A11 |
Tool dia-me-ter | mm | 700 | 700 (800) |
Pockets | num-ber | 45 / 48 | 45 / 48 |