Modular design N?Series
- Modu-lar lathe with a multi-func-tio-nal machi-ning con-cepts and a mul-ti-tude of acce-sory equipment
- Adjus-t-ment to the latest requi-re-ments of tur-ning solu-ti-ons with modu-lar subassemblies
- Com-plete work pre-pa-ra-tion pro-ces-ses from manu-fac-tu-ring plan-ning to main-tance through intel-li-gent hard and soft-ware tools
Machine components

Tool Tur-rets (axial/radial) for 2- or 4?Axis Machining

Main Spindle with Gear-box or Direct Drive Opti-ons selectively

Coun-ter Spindle with Motor or Gear-box Options

Tur-ning Sup-port for Heavy Duty Machining

Mil-ling and Dril-ling Ope-ra-ti-ons using Power Dri-ven Tooling

Slide Sys-tem with Boring Quill

Inte-gra-ted or sepa-rate Loading Systems

Simul-ta-ne-ous Machi-ning with two Tools Turrets

Spe-cial Machi-ning Heads

Addi-tio-nal Tool Changers

Lower Tur-ret

Lower-able Tailstock
Software components
- CAM Solu-ti-ons for NC programming
- ?Vir-tual Machine? for col-li-sion avo-id-ance and NC pro-gram optimization
- Real-time col-li-sion avo-id-ance with Pro-tec-tion-Con-trol-Sys-tem (PCS®-online)
- Pro-cess monitoring
- Sta-tic pro-ces moni-to-ring with mea-su-re-ment and cor-rec-tion strategies
- Online dia-gno-sis with Con-di-tion Monitoring