主機采用閉式寬機身結構,壁爐回火去應力處理,穩定性好;流線形外形弧形設計,動感美觀;側面定位、鑲套結構厚轉塔,定位準確、向好、精度高;間隙可調式蝸輪蝸桿結構旋轉工位,精度高;德國H+ L公司全套進口高檔液壓系統,性能穩定,耗能低;德國SIEMENS 802DSL數控系統 ,功能強、操作方便;高速*自潤滑大導程絲桿、直線導軌,化配套的氣動和電氣元件,高性能全自動浮動夾鉗,鋼球毛刷結構不銹鋼工作臺。
The machine is of wide closure-type frame, which is solid, receiving tempering treatment. It has fllwing features: streanmline body with side pin-positioning, sleeve structure and thick trret accurate positioning, good guiding, high accuracy adijstable worm and gear mechanism,German H+L hydraulic station with high performance and low energy-consumption, special Japanese FANUC 0ip CNC Control, long bllsrew and guideway wih high speed and auo-lubrication, universal pneumatic and electric parts, auto foating dlamp and stainless worktable with steel ball and brush on it.