機床主要特點 ◆ 機床采用砂輪架固定、導輪架移動布局; ◆ 砂輪為懸臂式結構,砂輪主軸采用多片式長軸瓦動壓油膜軸承; ◆ 導輪為懸臂式結構,導輪主軸前端采用整體1:30錐體滑動軸承,后端采用高精度滾動軸承; ◆ 導輪架進給導軌采用燕尾形滾針導軌,進給用差動絲桿; ◆ 導輪架調速采用交流變頻調速; ◆ 機床配備切入機構; ◆ 托架安裝面采用T型槽定位。 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||
Main Characteristics ◆ The layout of the machine is thst its grinding wheethead is fixed and regulating wheelhead is movable. ◆ The grinding wheel spindle is designed in cantilever structure and supported on multiple long-secment hydrodynamic oil-film bearing. ◆ The regulating wheel spindle is also designed in cantilever structure and supported on conlcal sliding bearing with 1:30 taper in the front and rolling bearing on the back. ◆ The regulating wheel feed slide is supported on dovetail needle roller guideway and a differential leadscrew is used for performing feed motion. ◆ AC frequency converter is used ofr changing the regulating wheel speed infiniy. ◆ The machine is equipped with the plunge-cut mechanism. ◆ The mounting surface of the workrest is located with T-slot. | ||||||||||||||||||||
主要用途及適用范圍 主要用來對各種圈類、軸類零件的圓柱面進行通磨。對各種階梯、錐形和圓形旋轉面進行半自動切入磨削。 Main Appllcatlon The machine is mainly used for through-feed grinding of cylindrical surface of ring-and shat-type parts,as well as for plunge-cut grinding of various stepped,conical and cylindrical surfaces semi-automatically. |
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