性能特點: ◇ 機架采用鋼板焊接結構,液壓上傳動,振動消除應力. ◇ 擺式刀架,蓄能器或回程缸回程,并能無級調節上刀架的行程量. ◇ 后擋尺寸及剪切次數有數字顯示裝置.上下刀片刃口間隙調整有指示牌指示,調整輕便迅速. 設有燈光對線裝置. ◇ 采用防護柵與電器箱聯鎖人身安全保護裝置.
機器結構示意: 1. 油箱,液壓集成塊 2. 帶有高強度鋼絲的對線裝置 3. 擺臂 4. 控制臺 5. 主油缸 6. 快速回程油缸 7. 安全防護裝置 8. 后擋料電機 9. 喉口 10. 電機帶動的后擋塊 1. oil tank, hydraulk block 2. shadow lighe with piano wire for fine gauging 3. swing beam 4. control board 5. main cylinder 6. rapid return cylinder 7. barrier guard 8. backgauge motor 9. throat 10. powered back stop performance ◇ the frame is welded construction with steel plate, vibration to eliminate stress, with sufficient rigidity and high strength, steady & reliable performance, easy operation and maintenance. ◇ the sheet is moved easily by the rolling balls and the support block located on the table to ensure the surface quality of the sheet to be cut. there are front support arms & side squaring arm.. ◇ hydraulic drive, swing beam, the return of the knife beam is smooth and prompt by the accumulator or nitrogen cylinder. ◇ the stroke of knife beam can be adjusted steplessly for promoting production on the strip cutting. ◇ the position of low blade can be adjusted to ensure the equilibrium of the gap between blades after regrinding. ◇ adjusting of the gap between blades is portable and prompt. the value of the gap is indicated on a dial. ◇ the back gauge is motorozde adjustable and manual fine adjusted. the adjusted value si shown on the numerator on the front of the machine. ◇ the cutting times are show with the counter on the front of the machine. ◇ prese-lection of single or continuous stroke. ◇ equipped with lighting-alignment (shadow light)device. ◇ protective fence and the safely interlocker to ensure the operation safety. power supply switch that is set in the electic box will be automatically turned off when the box"s door is opened or the fence is turned up. ◇ protecting barrier with safety interlocker. another, there are travel limit protection and foot pedestal mounted emergency off switch. optional: ◇ the adjusted value can be shown on a digi-tal readout(electronic display). ◇ pneumatic sheet support. ◇ any tailor-made are available on request. |