目錄:宇環數控機床股份有限公司>>雙端面磨床>>立式雙端面磨床>> YHDM750A/1高精度數控立式雙端面磨床
布局形式 | 立式 | 產地 | 國產 |
加工材質 | 硬金屬,軟金屬,合金,鋼結構,塑料,纖維,板材,橡膠,玻璃,陶瓷,石材,磁性材料,其他 | 加工用途 | 外圓柱面,內圓柱面 |
界面語言 | 中文,英文,日語,德語,韓語,其他語言 | 類型 | 普通,數控,高精度,萬能,高速,仿形,其他 |
磨削類型 | 濕式 | 數控系統 | 無,可選配,三菱/MITSUBISHI,廣州數控/GSK,華興/WASHING,西門子/SIEMENS,海德漢/HEIDENHAIN,法格/FAGOR,發那科/FANUC,凱恩帝/KND,上海開通,華中/HNC,大隈/OKUMA,寶元/LNC,新代/SYNTEC,力士樂/Rexroth,其他數控系統 |
銷售區域 | 全國,華東,華南,華北,華中,東北,西南,西北,港澳臺,海外 | 自動化程度 | 自動 |
YHDM750A/1高精度數控立式雙端面磨床主要特點:Technical characters:
6.送料盤送料電機采用變頻調速器驅動,轉速1-10r/min 。
1.CNC system chooses Mitsubishi E60 with friendly interactive interface and reliable performance.
2. The parts’ processing for the upper and lower surfaces is simultaneous with high precision, and without assisted positioning ( such as disks )
3.The program about the double disc grinding and wheel dressing control makes it to get high precision grinding.
4.Wheel head feed adopts precise ball screw unit. Feeding scale value: 0.001 mm.
5.Wheel head spindle is driven by converter, 150-950r/min.
6.. The motor of the feeding carrier adopts converter control; the speed is 1-10rpm.7..Filtered by magnetic and paper tape two steps, the coolant recycle after oil temperature controll er.
8.Adopt hinged carrier plate mechanism(Patent No:ZL200820052659.1), which is easy to open to make a convenient change and dressing of the grinding wheel..
9..The machine body adopts casting boxlike structure with good shock absorption and reliable rigidity and thermal stability; Wheel heads spindle are set by vertical configuration.
YHDM750A/1高精度數控立式雙端面磨床主要用途:Main purpose:
It is designed for grinding the two parallel side surfaces of the various high precise and thin work pieces with round and abnormal shape, no matter made of metal or nonmetal material, can be processed. Such as bearing, valve, seal, oil pump vane, piston ring, etc.
YHDM750A/1主要技術參數Technical specification
項目/產品型號 | 單位 | YHDM750A-1 |
加工工件直徑Diameter of parts | mm | Ф50-Ф180 |
加工工件厚度Thickness of parts | mm | 1.2-60 |
砂輪尺寸Size of grinding wheel | mm | Ф750×Ф195×75 |
磨頭電機Power of wheelhead motor | kw | 30Kw×2 |
磨頭電機轉速Wheel head motor speed | rmp | 150-890 |
送料盤電機功率Feeding carrier motor power | kw | 2.2 |
送料盤電機轉速Feeding carrier motor speed | rmp | 1-10 |
工件平面度、平行度Plainness nd parallelism | mm | ≤0.005 |
表面粗糙度Surface roughness | µm | ≤Ra0.32 |
整機質量Total Weight | kg | 12000 |
機床外形尺寸(長×寬×高Overall dimensions (L×W×H) | mm | 2840×3140×2880 |