產品型號model | ST6-1402 |
功能 Features | 打磨拋光polishing |
軸數Number of axes | 6 |
有效負載Payload | 6KG |
活動半徑Activities radius | 1402mm |
重復定位精度Repeatability | ±0.08mm |
單軸速度 Maximum single-axis speed | J1 3.06rad/s{175°/s} |
J2 3.06rad/s{175°/s} |
J3 3.67rad/s{210°/s} |
J4 7.33rad/s{420°/s} |
J5 7.33rad/s{420°/s} |
J6 10.47rad/s{600°/s} |
各軸運動范圍 Each axis range of motion | J1 ±170°(±50°) |
J2 ﹣155°~﹢90° |
J3 ﹣170°~﹢190° |
J4 ±180° |
J5 ﹣50°~﹢230° |
J6 ±360° |
安裝方式Installation | 地面/側掛/吊裝 |
本體質量 Body mass | 135KG |

1、工人的技術和熟練程度有差距,使用機器人打磨拋光可以提高產品打磨質量和產品光潔度,保證產品一致性;Technology and proficiency of workers there are gaps, using robotic grinding can improve product quality and product polished finish, to ensure product consistency;
2、人工打磨拋光會出現疲勞,需要換班,而機器人一天可24小時連續生產,明顯提高了生產效率;Manual polishing will be fatigue, needs shift, the robot a day to 24 hours of continuous production, significantly improve the efficiency of production;
3、打磨拋光工廠噪聲大,灰塵大,使用機器人可以減少對人體健康的傷害;Polished factory noisy, dusty, use of robots can reduce the harm to human health;
4、人工成本在不斷上升,當打磨工人眾多時,管理成本也隨之上升,使用機器人可以降低管理成本;Labor costs rising, many workers when sanding, management costs will also rise, the use of robots can reduce administrative costs;
5、采用打磨拋光機器人對車間進行改造,提高了企業的自動化程度,增加了企業的核心競爭力,從而為企業贏得更多的訂單!Using sanding robot workshop to transform and improve the degree of automation of enterprises, increasing the core competitiveness of enterprises, so as to enterprises to win more orders!