SFM 規格
波長范圍 | 422-518 nm | 488-615 nm | 515-670 nm |
輸出功率2 | >1.0 W @ 450 nm | >2.0 W @ 520nm | >1.0 W @ 555 nm |
自動掃描范圍 | >20 GHz | ||
光纖激光器輸入功率/波長3 | 5 W @ 1064 nm | 10 W @ 1550 nm | 5 W @ 1950 nm |
可調諧輸入波長 | 700-1020 nm |
DFM 規格
波長范圍 | 1120-2300 nm | 1250-1450 nm;1650-2800 nm | 2050-4200 nm |
輸出功率2 | >100 mW @ 1500 nm | >200 mW @ 1700 nm | >10 mW @ 2500 nm |
自動掃描范圍 | >60 GHz | ||
光纖激光器輸入功率/波長3 | 5 W @ 532 nm | 10 W @ 1550 nm | 5 W @ 1064 nm |
可調諧輸入波長 | 690-1020 nm | 690-1000 nm | 690-850 nm |
SFM 可調諧輸入功率 2.0-6.0 W | >20% | >40% | >20% |
DFM 可調諧輸入功率 2.0-6.0 W | >2% | >4% | >0.2% |
可調泵浦激光器5 | TEM00, M2<1.1, 單頻激光器, 線寬 | ||
光纖泵浦激光器6 | TEM00, M2<1.1, 單頻激光器, 線寬 | ||
環境條件 | 常溫范圍: 20-25°C | ||
實驗室 | 振動隔離光學臺、無塵空氣 (流動箱) | ||
電壓 | 115/230 V, 單相, 50/60 Hz |
尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高) | 17.13 x 13.94 x 9.37-9.92 in (435 x 354 x 238-252 mm) |
- 由于我們的產品優化計劃是連續性的,規格如有變更,恕不另行通知。
- Mixtrain 的輸出功率定義條件為,可調諧激光器4.5W峰值輸出時,光纖激光器所需波長下輸入功率為 10 W 時。
- 如果需要在特殊輸出波長下的具體指標,請聯系廠家。
- 典型指標僅適用于 Matisse 鈦藍寶石以及染料泵浦激光器,輸出結果為 MixTrain 輸出功率與 Matisse 輸入功率的比值。
- MixTrain 的輸出線寬由最寬的輸入線寬決定。對于特定的 Matisse 線寬,請參考合適的 Spectra-Physics 數據手冊。
- MixTrain 的輸出線寬由最寬的輸入線寬決定。對于光纖激光器的線寬,請參考光纖激光器制造商的數據手冊。
Quasi-phase Matching in Periodically Poled Crystals

The MixTrain utilizes quasi-phase matching in periodically poled crystals for sum- or difference frequency mixing of two cw-lasers. The system uses a motor controlled translation stage for changing the period of the crystal and a temperature stabilized oven capable of heating up to 180°C. All optics for beam shaping, polarization control, beam combination, and beam separation are included. An optical diode isolates the fiber laser input from back reflections from the setup. Periodically poled mixing crystals are mounted in a removable configuration to allow for alternate fiber input wavelengths. The mixing crystals are housed in a temperature stabilized oven with motorized control, providing hands free tuning over >100 nm of the visible spectrum.
Sum Frequency Mixing ~480 to 670 nm

Sum frequency mixing provides visible wavelengths from 480 to 670 nm. Typical tuning curve is shown when sum mixing a 4.5 W Matisse output and 1550 nm single mode fiber laser output with 10 W. When pumped with the Matisse C and the appropriate fiber laser the MixTrain provides hands-free, all solid state output from 422–670 nm for SFM, an attractive and versatile alternative to a CW dye laser.
Difference Frequency Mixing ~1.1 to 4.5 µm

With Difference Frequency Mixing, the output of a ti:sapphire laser is mixed with a single mode fiber laser at 1064 nm, 1550 nm, or 1950 nm. Difference frequency mixing provides near to mid-IR wavelengths. Typical tuning curve is shown when difference mixing a 4.5 W Matisse output and 1550 nm single mode fiber laser output with 10 W. Flexible configuration of mixing and separating optics enables output from 1.1-4.2 μm for DFM, depending on fiber laser input.
A motor controlled translation stage and temperature stabilized oven are easily software controlled. Manual adjustments are not required for tuning.
Multiple crystals can be mounted simultaneously for tuning across 100+ nm. Scan ranges without the change of crystal temperature are >20 GHz for visible and >60 GHz for IR tuning.
要驗證和分析 MixTrain 激光器的輸出功率,我們推薦使用 Ophir 2A-BB-9 (7Z02767) 熱功率傳感器和 Centauri 激光功率計。 有關此激光測量設備的更多信息,請訪問 網站。 其他 Ophir 傳感器和儀表也可能適用于 MixTrain,詳細情況取決于具體應用。 Ophir 還與激光系統開發人員合作,實現嵌入式光束診斷,提供了監控系統性能的OEM 解決方案。