
Fiber Transmission Laser Welding Machine(光纖傳輸激光焊接機)
Advantage of equipment:
The welding spot energy distribution evenly
1/0 interface, the user can control the welding machine easily
By spectral energy spectroscopic or time, timing welding can be realized
Special jib automation can be customized, realize the product batch production
Adapt to all kinds of complicated welding, all kinds of spot welding, and thin seam welding less than 1mm Equipped with CCD camera surveillance system, convenient observation and accurate positioning
Application Field:
Optical fiber transmission laser welding machine mainly applied for welding on the thin wall material, precision parts, which can realize spot welding, butt welding, welding stack, seal welding, etc, very small welding width and heat affection zoon, small deformation, high welding speed, smooth and nice welding seam high welding quality. no pores, can control precisely, small focusing point, high positioning accuracy.

技術參數(Technical Parameters) YAG脈沖
型號(Model) DF-ZD200 DF-ZD300 DF-ZD400 DF-ZD500 DF-ZD600
激光波長(Laser wavelength) 1064nm
激光功率(Laser Power) 200W 300W 400W 500W 600W
脈沖頻率(Pulse frequency) 1-100hz1-300hz1-500hz(連續可調 Continuous adjustable)
脈沖寬度(Pulse width) 0.1-20ms(連續可調 Continuous adjustable)
單脈沖能量(Max single pulse energy)90J 100J 120J 135J 150J
單脈沖焊接深度(Max single pulse welding depth) 0.1-0.5mm 0.1-0.7mm 0.1-1.0mm 0.1-1.5mm
光纖芯徑(Fiber diameter) 200um 300um 400um 600um
光纖輸出數量(Fiber transmission quantity) ≤4路(less than four)
分光方式(Beam split model) CCD高速時間分光或精密能量分光(High speed time beam splitting or precision energy beam splitting)
反饋方式(Feedback model) CCD 電流實時反饋(Current real-time feedback)
觀察系統(Observing system) CCD視覺影像(CCD monitor system)
能量波動性(Energy range) ±5%
電力需求(Voltage) 380V±10%/50HZ
額定功率(Power Rower consumption) ≤6KW ≤8KW ≤12KW ≤16KW ≤18KW
冷卻方式(Cooling) 水冷(Water cooling)
工作臺行程(Working table travel)200mm*200mm到1200mm*1200mm(200mm*200mto1200mm*1200mm)
主機外形尺寸(Control cabinet size) 990mm*760mm*1400mm