- 穎外觀設計,媲美進口等級。
(Novel design and good quality) - 雷射對刀光束,精準切割,不傷夾具。
(Cutting guide by Laser beam, precise cutting, not cutting the vise) - 靈活的推拉式快速夾具,夾緊工件,效率加倍。
(Flexible push-pull quick vise for clamping workpieces with double efficiency) - 自動進退刀系統,切割時自動進刀,切割完自動退回,進退行程可自行設定。
(Auto-feed/back function, Automatic feeding when cutting, Automatically return after finish cutting, the travel can be adjustable) - 手動搖桿控制,不傷推進螺桿裝置,有效保持精度及增加壽命。
(Manual control, don’t hurt push screw device, Effectively maintain accuracy and increase life) - 上掀式開啟設計,空間寬敞,操作方便。
(Top open design, enough space and easy to operate) - 切割片專屬置物空間,可隨時拿取更換。
(Cutting wheel storage space, Can be taken at any time) - 循環水箱多道過濾裝置,有效延長切消液使用時間,降低成本。
(Circulation cutting fluid tank filtering, Effectively extend the use time of the cutting fluid and costs down) - 循環水箱配置洩水閥開關,讓清潔更容易。
(Circulation cutting fluid tank with drain valve to make cleaning easier)