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  • 倒立顯微鏡

參考價 面議
  • 型號 Nikon Ti2-E 倒立電動顯微鏡
  • 品牌 尼康/NIKON
  • 廠商性質 代理商
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更新時間:2022-06-01 16:21:42瀏覽次數:360






Nikon Ti2-E倒立電動顯微鏡

大視野 無比大發現
Nikon Ti2全新設計倒立顯微鏡,擁有超大25mm視野數(Field of View),不需妥協即可匹配大尺寸感測晶片CMOS cameras,顯著提升資料輸出量。Ti2搭載穩定的抗漂移對焦平臺,應付super-resolution超高解析快速成像的挑戰,游刃有餘。機身內部新增多處偵測元件,協助使用者判讀光學配件是否有在正確光路上,減少錯誤發生。另外,每個感測點資訊均可在拍照時自動記錄下來,方便實驗品管控制並能加強資料再現性。

Groundbreaking FOV開創性大視野設計:

Ti2的採用25mm field of view視野數,提供進步神速的顯微照相機大尺寸趨勢。
Single FOV of cultured neurons, captured with a CFI Plan APO lambda 60x objective and DS-Qi2 camera.
Photo courtesy of J. Rappoport, Nikon Imaging Center, Northwestern Univ.; Sample courtesy of S. Kemal, B. Wang, and R. Vassar, Northwestern Univ.
  • 大視野白光光源:高能量LEDs光源加上fly-eye lens複眼均勻片,提供勻稱且大範圍的照明。

  • 大視野螢光光源:配置石英複眼鏡片(Quartz fly-eye lens),涵蓋光譜頻寬至UV波段,並設計大尺寸螢光濾片組。

  • 大尺寸觀察光學元件:觀察光路與照相光路均加大至25mm,可截取比傳統約2倍大的範圍。

  • 大視野物鏡:


Unsurpassed Nikon optics的光學鏡片:

Nikon高精度 CFI60無限遠物鏡,在各類應用皆能獲得超高效能,並且堅若磐石。
  • Apodized Phase Contrast:相位差

  • External Phase Contrast (Ti2-E):外掛式相位差

  • NAMC (Nikon Advanced Modulation Contrast)

  • Auto Correction Collar (Ti2-E):自動蓋玻片校正環

  • λS 系列物鏡:運用Nikon的奈米晶粒塗層技術,有效增加光線的穿透率。

Focus perfected對焦:

  • 超高穩定性(Ti2-E):重新設計Z-drive與PFS對焦系統,即使使用staged-up架高組件,仍能維持靠近鼻輪。

  • 第四代Nikon Perfect Focus System (Ti2-E):防漂移對焦裝置,可抵抗溫度變化與機械震動,即使加藥動作與多點移動也能維持焦距


Intelligent Assist Guide智慧輔助導覽:

  • 持續顯示顯微鏡狀態 (Ti2-E/ A)

  • 導引式操作流程 (Ti2-E/ A)

● Automatically Detect Errors自動錯誤偵測 (Ti2-E/ A)

Intuitive operation直觀操作介面:

  • 直覺式操作介面

  1. Shuttle Switch (Ti2-E)飛梭切換鈕 (Ti2-E)
  2. Programmable Function Button (Ti2-E/A)
  3. Focusing Knob (Ti2-E)
  • 以搖桿或平板直覺式控制


Nikon Ti2-E specifications規格表:

ECLIPSE Ti2-E / Ti2-E/B*1
Main body
Optical system
Infinity-corrected CFI60
Field number*2
22 with C-mount, 25 with F-mount
Intermediate Magnification switching
Manual switching of 1.0x/1.5x (exchangeable from 1.5x to 2.0x)
Status detection
Bertrand lens
Manual in/out, and manual focus, Status detection
Output port
4 Motorized positions
Eyepiece 99%, left 99%, right 99%,eyepiece 20%/left 80%
(Ti2-E/B: bottom 99%)
Can add ports by use of back port unit and/or choice of tube base unit*3
Focusing unit
Motorized drive, Coarse/fine focus changeover, 10mm stroke
Minimum increments: 0.01um, 0.02um (with encoder control)
Stage up
Available *4
Tube body
Binocular tube
Binocular S tube TC-T-TS (field number 22), Ergonomic ER tube TC-T-ER (field number 22)
Motorized eyepiece tube base unit for external PH (TI2-T-BP-E)
Camera port (field number 16), Motorized PH turret with 4 motorized positions
Assist eyepiece tube base unit (TI2-T-BA)
Assist camera (field number 22), Status detection
Eyepiece tube base unit with port (TI2-T-BC)
Camera port (field number 16)
Transmitted illumination
Pillar for transmitted illumination (TI2-D-PD)
Condenser vertical stroke: 66mm, Backward tilting up to 25 degrees, With field diagram and refocusing mechanism
2 filter slot positions (4 filter position option is also available with Filter Slider for transmitted illumination (TI2-D-SF)
LED Lamphouse for dia illumination (TI2-D-LHLED)
High power LED
Precentered Lamphouse (D-LH/LC)
100W halogen bulb (pre-centered)
Motorized condenser turret (TI2-C-TC-E)
7 motorized positions (ψ37mm x4, ψ39mm x3),
LWD/ELWD/CLWD/NAMC condenser lenses are supported
Intelligent condenser turret (TI2-C-TC-I)
7 manual positions (ψ37mm x4, ψ39mm x3), Status detection, LWD/ELWD/CLWD/NAMC condenser lenses are supported
Condenser turret (TC-C-TC)
7 manual positions (ψ37mm x4, ψ39mm x3), LWD/ELWD/CLWD/NAMC condenser lenses are supported
ELWD-S condenser turret (TE-C)
4 manual positions, With ELWD condenser lens (NA0.3 / OD65)
HNA condenser slider (TI2-C-SCH)
2 manual positions (ψ37mm x1, ψ39mm x1), HNA dry lens/ HNA oil lens are supported
Condenser lens
LWD (W.D.=30mm, NA=0.52), ELWD (W.D.=75mm, NA=0.3), CLWD (W.D.=13mm, NA=0.72), HNA dry (W.D.=5mm, NA=0.85), HNA oil (W.D.=1.9mm, NA=1.3), NAMC (W.D.=44mm, NA=0.4)
Motorized stage (TI2-S-SE-E, TI2-S-SS-E)
Stroke X:±57mm, Stroke Y: ±36.5mm, Max drive speed: approx. 25mm/sec, Magnetic sample holder
Stage (TC-S-SR, TC-S-SRF)
Stroke X:±57mm, Stroke Y: ±36.5mm, Adjustable stroke range (3 levels) with adjusting pin, Long/middle/short handle options available
Gliding stage (TC-S-GS)
Perfect Focus Unit with motorized nosepiece for Auto Correction Collar (TI2-N-NDA-P)
5 motorized positions, Simple waterproof structure
Motorized DIC sextuple nosepiece (TI2-N-ND-E)
Perfect Focus Unit with motorized nosepiece (TI2-N-ND-P)
Perfect Focus Unit with motorized nosepiece for MP (TI2-N-NDM-P)
6 motorized positions, Simple waterproof structure
Intelligent DIC sextuple nosepiece (TI2-N-ND-I)
6 manual positions, Status detection, Simple waterproof structure
Sextuple nosepiece (TI2-N-N),
DIC sextuple nosepiece (TI2-N-ND)
6 manual positions, Simple waterproof structure
Epi-filter turret
Motorized epi filter turret (TI2-F-FLT-E, TI2-F-FLTH-E)
6 motorized positions, Motorized shutter
Intelligent epi filter turret (TI2-F-FLT-I)
6 manual positions, Manual shutter, Status detection*5
Filter wheel/ shutter
Motorized BA filter wheel (TI2-P-FWB-E)
7 motorized positions, High speed mode: 50ms, Low vibration mode: 100ms (movement time between adjacent positions)
Motorized shutter (NI-SH-E)*6
12ms to open/close
Epi-fluorescence attachment
EPI-FL module (TI2-LA-FL),
EPI-FL module for large FOV (TI2-LA-FLL)
Supports fiber illuminator; includes 2-position filter slider and aperture diaphragm
Simple EPI-FL attachment (TI2-F-FLS)
Supports both fiber illuminator and lamp house; includes 3-position filter slider
Field stop slider
Circular (TI2-F-FSC), rectangular (TI2-F-FSR), square (Ti2-F-FSS) aperture options
Control unit
Controller, display device
Stage joystick (TI2-S-JS), Tablet
Controller for TI2-E (TI2-CTRE)
USB/LAN interface, I/O function
Operating environmental
Temperature: 0℃-40℃, Humidity: 60% RH max. (at +40℃, no condensation), Indoor use only
*1 Motorized model with a bottom port
*2 Limitations apply based on objective and filter cube choice, stage-up configuration, and illumination module, etc.
*3 Tube base units with a port cannot be used with Ti2-A
*4 Stage up kit is required. Please contact Nikon.
*5 Status detection cannot be used when attached to the Ti2-U
*6 NI-SH-CON Controller for Motorized Shutter is required for use with the Ti2-A/Ti2-U


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