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當前位置:菁特(上海)智能科技有限公司>> qb robotics 五指靈巧手
• 柔性,靈巧,適應性強,可以用于各種工業和協作機器人
• 一個電機協調下的19軸靈巧手。
• 指關節自復位,無需特殊定位和校準
• 指尖捏緊力可達62N
• 捏緊狀態下,額定負載可達1.7kg
• 張手到握拳僅需1.1s
• 通信簡單,支持USB和RS485
• 可在ROS系統下二次開發
• 優傲機器人UR+認證
• 重量輕:500g
• 反饋變量:電機位置和電機電流
qb Soft Hand Research is an anthropomorphic robotic hand based on soft-robotics technology, flexible, adaptable and able to interact with the surrounding environment, objects and humans while limiting the risk of hurting the operators, spoiling the products to be handled and damaging the robot itself.
The qb SoftHand Research is adaptable and can grasp different objects without any change in the control action, showing an unparalleled level of simplicity and flexibility.
Thanks to its soft nature the hand by qbrobotics exploits the principles of synergies in a simple and intrinsically intelligent design that is not only safe in unexpected human-robot interaction but also adaptable to grasp different objects without any change in the control action.
The combination of these innovations results in a flexible prehensile device that can grasp a wide variety of objects. The single-motor actuation makes the hand plug-and-play and simple-to-control (one single motor requires one single control signal to close and open the whole hand) and affordable