一、核心優勢:Core advantages
(體積更輕巧)Lighter in size
○ 目前市場上的激光焊接機冷卻方式主要是水冷,即通過水循環將熱量從激光器中帶走,A1500基于976nm的高光電轉換效率的不斷探索,創造性的解決了風冷制冷量的問題,無額外冷水設備,降低成本的同時更增加了便攜性。
○ 其一體化的設計更加提升了系統的整體可靠性
○ 在設備的體積和重量方面,A1500智能激光焊接機具有明顯的優勢,其體積﹤0.2?、重量﹤60kg,遠小于目前水冷式的激光焊接機,一人即可提起,可輕松裝進后備箱隨帶隨走。
○ At present, the main cooling mode of laser welding machine on the market is water cooling, that is, heat is taken away from the laser by water circulation. The continuous exploration of A1500 based on 976nm high electric conversion efficiency has solved the problem of air cooling capacity creatively, no additional cooling water equipment, reducing costs while increasing portability.
○ The integrated design improves the overall reliability of the system
○ The A1500 intelligent laser welding machine has obvious advantages in the volume and weight of the equipment, its volume < 0.2 M3, weight < 60kg, far less than the current water-cooled laser welding machine, one person can lift, can be easily loaded into the trunk and take away.
(操作更簡便)Easier to operate
○ 傳統的手工電弧焊需要經驗豐富的焊工,需要大量時間的培訓和考證。
○ A1500智能激光焊接機控制裝置直觀、簡潔、機器出廠預置常用焊接參數。
○ 用戶可自定義保存所需加工參數。
○ 普通人員幾個小時的簡單培訓即可輕松上手,無需持證即可上崗。
○ Traditional shielded metal arc welding require experienced welders and a lot of time for training and certification.
○ A1500 intelligent laser welding machine control device is intuitive, concise and preset commonly used welding parameters from the factory .
○ User can customize to save the required processing parameters.
○ Ordinary staff with a few hours of simple training can easily start to work, no need to hold a certificate.
(焊縫更優異)The Weld is superior
○ A1500智能激光焊接機可焊接常用鋼材(如碳鋼、不銹鋼、鍍鋅鋼等)、鋁合金、紫銅、焊縫美觀無變形,無需進行后續處理。
○ 焊接鋼材,熔深可達4mm。
○ 焊接鋁合金、紫銅熔深可達3mm。
○ A1500 intelligent laser welding machine can be used to weld common steel (such as carbon steel, stainless steel, galvanized steel, etc.) , Aluminum Alloy, copper.The weld is beautiful with non-deformation.It is no need for follow-up treatment.
○ When welding steel, the penetration depth could be 4mm.
○ When welding aluminum alloy or copper, the penetration depth could be 3mm.
(焊接更高效)More efficient
○ 傳統手工電弧焊的焊接速度通常不會超過1cm/s,而A1500智能激光焊的焊接速度可達2-10cm/s。
○ 效率是傳統手工電弧焊的2-10倍,一年至少可省2個人工成本。
○ 手工電弧焊,焊后通常都需要打磨處理,而激光焊后幾乎無需打磨、清潔,這樣又可節省一部份人力成本。
○ The welding speed of conventional shielded metal arc welding is usually less than 1 cm/s, while that of the A1500 smart laser welding can reach 2-10 cm/S.
○ It is 2-10 times more efficient than traditional shielded metal arc welding and saves at least 2 labor costs per year.
○ The shielded metal arc welding usually need to be sanded after welding, but there is little need for sanding and cleaning after laser welding, which can save some labor cost.
(保障更安全)Better security
○ 設有鑰匙開關和急停按鈕,確保操作的安全性。
○ 彩色LED燈設置,通過不同顏色傳遞不同狀態。
○ 光纖互鎖裝置,確保激光傳輸的完整性。
○ 工作與槍頭互鎖裝置,當焊槍離開工件時,立即關閉激光。
○ Equipped with key switch and emergency stop button to ensure the safety of operation.
○ Color LED lamp settings, through different colors to convey different states.
○ Optical Fiber interlock device to ensure the integrity of laser transmission.
○ there is a Working and the gun interlock device. when the torch leaves the workpiece, the laser would immediately turn off .
二、產品參數Product parameters: 輸出功率(瓦)Output Power (W) 1500W 輸入電壓Input Voltage 220VAC/50Hz/60Hz 尺 寸Dimensions 650×300×621(mm)(L×M×H) 重 量Weight <60(kg) 擺動寬度Swing width 0-5mm 擺動頻率Oscillating frequency 0-300Hz 熔深Penetration 碳鋼、不銹鋼可達4mm Carbon Steel, stainless steel could reach 4mm 紫銅、鋁合金可達3mm Copper and aluminum alloys could reach 3mm 應用Applications 薄材焊接,精密焊接 Thin material welding, precision welding 鈑金,家居電器、五金廚衛 Sheet Metal, home appliances,hardware kitchen and toilet facilities 三、與傳統焊接工藝對比 Simple comparative with traditional welding Method 對比comparative A1500智能激光焊機 A1500 Laser Welding Machine 傳統工藝 traditional welding Method 焊接速度Welding speed 2-10cm/s <1cm/s 材質厚度Material thickness <4mm >2mm 熱影響 Thermal effect 很少Very little 大 Great 便捷性 Convenience 體積小,靈活 Small size, flexible 體積大,不方便移動 Large size, not convenient to move 人工要求 Manual requirement 普工簡單培訓3小時即可 General workers trained for 3 hours 持證上崗License holder is needed 能耗Energy consumption 低Low 高High 打磨Sanding 幾乎不用hardly 耗時高 Time consuming