◆ 鉗體采用高韌性球墨鑄鐵精密加工而成
◆ 角固式夾緊結構可防止工件上浮
◆ 它具有兩個夾持單位,可夾持兩個尺寸相等或尺寸不等的工件,還可以同時夾持兩個處于不同夾緊位置加工面不相同的工件
◆ 兩鉗口的平行度,兩鉗口對導軌面垂直度≤0.025mm/100mm
◆ 平口鉗可單臺使用,也可多臺并排使用
◆ 廣泛用于加工各種角度的平面、槽、孔
1、It is made of ductile cast iron.
2、The vice with angle locked can prevent workpieces rising during operation.
3、It is possessed of two clamping positions , two workpieces of same size or different size can be clamped by it, the vice is also able
4、The accuracy of vice(parallelism and squareness )is 0.025mm/100mm.
5、The vicecan be used with single or setted side on the machine worktable.
6、It is widely used on machining center and other precision machine.