- OKTW系列三輪強力旋壓機,主要用于筒型件的厚度減薄或增厚以及部分小直徑厚板料的旋壓成型,也可用于部分工件的表面旋壓硬化處理。設備具有剛性高、精度高等特點,可加工精密筒型件、高壓氣瓶、伺服液壓缸體、發動機殼體等。
OKTW series three wheels heavy spinning machine are mainly used for the spinning of the reducing or thickening of the tubes; small diameter of the thick materials and could harden some surface by spinning. The machine has the advantages of high rigidity and high accuracy, etc. It could process the precision cylinder parts, high pressure gas cylinder, servo hydraulic cylinder parts, the housing of the motor, etc.
The three spinning wheels are designed for 120ºeach, and the turret is integrated structure with rational spinning capacity. The three spinning wheels could run separately, and could process in forward flow forming, reverse flow forming, and in different steps. The spindle could stop in any position which is convenient to load and unload the molds, and supports for the special forming process. The products unload in two ways: in the center of the spinning wheels and by sliding
The machine adopts late technology and standard components, to have lower costs for the using and maintenance to ensure the high efficient production.
加工方式: 臥式三輪數控旋壓
原料直徑: maxФ700 minФ100
正旋長度: 2500mm
反旋長度: 3200mm
材料大厚度: 鋁合金30mm
徑向行程 260mm
軸向行程 3200mm
各軸移動速度max 2m/min
橫向軸推力 300KN*3
縱向軸推力 350KN*2
徑向定位精度 0.03mm
軸向定位精度 0.06mm
重復精度 0.02mm
三輪錯距方式 手動調節,大距離50mm
主軸-尾頂雙心距 2800mm
尾頂縱向行程 底座1500mm+頂桿500mm
尾座橫向偏移 1000mm
尾頂力 max 100kn (可調)
1.主軸頂料 行程100mm
2. 滑臺退料 行程2000mm
主軸功率 132KW
主軸變速 機械+變頻
主軸轉速: 0——200rpm
控制方式: 西門子828D數控系統
進給動力: 西門子伺服電機1FK7系列
驅動控制: 西門子S120
主軸動力: 132kw伺服電機
主軸控制: 伺服驅動器
液壓站功率 37KW
設備總功率 170kw
設備重量 約56噸