麗水激光焊接機【性能 品牌 價格 廠家】 - 永康邦泰激光
閱讀:63 發布時間:2023-7-31麗水激光焊接機【性能 品牌 價格 廠家】 - 永康邦泰激光:
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· 速度快、深度大、變形小。 · 能在室溫或特殊條件下進行焊接,焊接設備裝置簡單。例如,激光通過電磁場,光束不會偏移;光在真空、空氣及某種氣體環境中均能施焊,并能通過玻璃或對光束透明的材料進行焊接。 · 可焊接難熔材料如鈦、石英等,并能對異性材料施焊,效果良好。 · 可進行微型焊接。激光束經聚焦后可獲得很小的光斑,且能精確定位,可應用于大批量自動化生產的微、小型工件的組焊中。 · 可焊接難以接近的部位,進行非接觸遠距離焊接,具有很大的靈活性。 ·Fast speed, great depth and less deformation. ·Welding can be conducted in room temperature or under special conditions and the welding equipment is simple. For example, even laser goes through an electromagnetic field, the beam will not deviate. Laser can exert its function even in vacuum, air and gaseous environment, and through glass or transparent material. ·It can weld refractory materials, such as titanium, quartz, etc. and can weld anisotropic material. ·It can be used for micro-welding. After focusing, laser beam can generate very small spot and realize accurate positioning, so it may be used for assembly and welding of micro-small working pieces in mass production .
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焊接材料與行業應用 |
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激光焊接,可應用于不銹鋼、合金鋼、鋁、銅、金、銀、鉻、鎳、鈦等多種金屬及其合金。也可對銅-鎳、鎳-鈦、鈦-鋼、鈦-鉬、黃銅-銅、低碳鋼-銅等多種異種金屬之間的焊接。 廣泛應用于,塑料模具、橡膠模具、五金模具、五金制品、精密鑄造、首飾飾品、精密器械、醫療器械、汽車配件、工藝禮品、眼鏡鐘表、手機通訊、電子元器件、接插件等行業。 ·Photocoagulation may be applied to stainless steel, alloy steel, aluminum, copper, gold, silver, chromium, nickel, titanium and their alloys, as well as the welding between dissimilar metals, such as cooper-nickel, nickel-titanium, titanium-steel, titanium-molybdenum, brass-cooper, mild steel-cooper, etc.
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