1. 優質的振鏡 獲得歐盟市場強制性安全認證,可擴大視場,增加入射的通量,可讓出像面位置放置調制盤,以解決無處放置調 制器的問題。 high quality vibrating mirror The mandatory safety certification of the EU market is achieved, which can expand the field of view and increase the flux of the incident. It can allow the placement of the modulation disc on the image plane position to solve the problem of placing the modulator nowhere. 2. 二維工作平臺: 靈活、結構緊湊,輕便、小巧,接口簡潔,加工方向靈活可調,駕馭自如,出口資質非常硬。 the two-dimensional working platform: