激光雕刻機是采用高能、高精心激光束在物體表面,非接觸??焖俚窨坛鑫淖?、圖案的設備,該 型激光雕刻機,具有超節能終身免維護,無損耗,操作簡單,打標效果精細等特點,該型采用國內高品質 激光器,光束質量高,雕刻速度快,穩定耐用,具有較高性價比。
Laser engraving machine uses high-energy, high-precision laser beam on the surface of the object, non-contact.
The laser engraving machine has the characteristics of super-energy saving, lifelong maintenance-free, non-loss, simple operation and fine marking effect. It uses domestic high-quality laser, with high beam quality, fast engraving speed, stability and durability, and has high cost performance.