規格及主要技術參數 Main Specifications 項目 | Item | M9017B | ******磨削長度(分段磨削) | Max. size to bo ground with successive setings | 170 mm | ******磨削厚度 | Max. height of the surface grinding | 70 mm | ******磨削深度 | Max. depth to be ground | 35 mm | ******磨圓直徑 | Max. diameter to be ground | 100 mm | ******磨圓長度 | Max distance between centers | 150 mm | 一次投影的******區域 | Max.size to be ground at a single table seting | 10×6mm 25×15 mm | 物鏡放大倍數 | Magnifying power of the objetive lens | 20&50 | 投影屏幕尺寸 | Area of the screen | 500×300 mm | 機床總功率 | Total motor power | 4 kw | 機床外形尺寸(長x寬x高) | Overall dimensions (L x W x H) | 1920 x 160b x 1400 mm | 機床凈重 | Weight of machine | 2100 kg |
可編程精密光柵數顯系統主要參數與功能 Main Specifications and Features of Progrmmable Gale System 精密光柵尺寸長度 | Scale length | 200mm(longitudinal)(縱座標)100mm(horizontal)(橫座標) | 較小顯示分辯率 | Min.resolution | 1μm | ******零位,相對零位 | Absolute and relative zere setting | 預置數字程度功能 | Numeric preset program | 斷電保護,程序記憶功能(停機后可保存3個月) | Power-off protection;(Keep-on program memory up to three moth) | 補賞功能(停機保存 3個月) | Compensation;(Keep-on ghree moth after power-off) |
工作精度 Working Accuracy 項目 | Item | | 光學投影倍率誤差 | Error Magnification by object Lens including distortion on the screen | 0.1% | 平面度 | Flatness | 5μm | 表面粗糙度 | Surface Roughness | Ra≤0.40μm |
主要附件Main Accessories
1 | 油箱 Oil reservoir | 1 set | 2 | 磨圓夾具 Cindrical grinding attachment | 1 set | 3 | 砂輪圓弧修正器 Grinding wheel radius dresser | 1 set | 4 | 吸塵器 Gust exhauster | 1 set | 5 | 砂輪平衡器 Grinding wheel balancing stand | 1 set | 6 | 水平儀 Sirit level | 1 set | 7 | 光學附件箱 Optical lenses & accessories | 1 pc | 8 | 其他附件 Other accessories | 1 pc