DEMA-M1迷你字雕刻機特性:■一款中型高速雕刻機,適合高速切削加工。■采用整體板材焊接結構,成形后經時效處理一次性精加工。■整機采用齒條雙驅結構,提高了機床的穩定性和抗拉性。■采用進口材料制成的高柔性電纜,保證機床在長期反復的運行中,不易被折斷。■配備成熟的WEIHONG手柄控制系統保證機床高速情況下運轉。■配備定制鋁合金加厚臺面。 ■ A medium-sized high-speed engraving machine for high-speed machining. ■It adopts integral plate welding structure, and it is processed by one-time finishing after aging treatment. ■The machine adopts a unique rack and double drive structure to improve the stability and tensile strength of the machine. ■High-flexible cable made of imported materials to ensure that the machine tool is not easily broken during long-term repeated operation. ■Equipped with the mature WEIHONG handle control system to ensure the machine runs at high speed. ■Equipped with custom aluminum alloy thickened countertops.DEMA-M1迷你字雕刻機的應用行業:廣告行業:亞克力切割、密度板切割、雙色板雕刻、各類廣告板材、標識制作。家具行業:櫥柜門、木門、實木、紅木家具,仿古家具各類復合板材的切割和雕刻。板材加工行業:絕緣件、塑料化工件、PCB、抗倍特板、環氧樹脂、ABS、PP、PE等碳混化合物。工藝品行業:可在人造石、PVC、竹、木、大理石、有機玻璃、銅鋁等。裝飾行業:屏風、波浪板、竹、大理石、有機板、雙色板等材料上進行各種精美圖案和文字的雕刻。DEMA-M1迷你字雕刻機的優勢:
DEMA-M1迷你字雕刻機的技術參數: 配置參數 | M1 |
外形尺寸 | 2100mm*3280mm*1880mm |
加工尺寸 | 1220mm*2400mm |
機床處理 | 將整機經過震動時效處理 |
機加工 | 得馬(精密加工中心一次成型) |
配件加工 | 得馬(精密加工中心一次成型) |
控制系統 | 上海WEIHONG-NK105-G3三軸運動控制系統。 |
X/Y傳動形式 | X/Y軸齒條(精密斜齒) |
減速器 | “新寶"減速機 |
導軌 | 中國臺灣工業級高精密導軌 |
Z傳動形式 | Z軸中國臺灣PMI絲杠 |
伺服驅動 | “LEADSHINE"雙驅高精密控制驅動。 |
主軸電機 | 定制工業級恒功率3.2KW水冷主軸 |
電器元件 | 法國施耐德 |
主軸轉速 | 24000r/min |
臺面結構 | 定制加厚鋁臺面 |
潤滑注油 | 整機自動注油 |
控制柜 | 嵌入式控制柜 |
工作電壓 | AC220/50HZ |
速度 | 40m/min |
工作速度 | 15m/min |
占地外形尺寸 | X向2600mm/Y向3600mm |
1. Innovative advantages: Independent innovation is the foundation of the survival of the company. The company has a stable R&D team and cooperates with many industry brands to lay the technical foundation for providing solutions for customers.
2, manufacturing advantages: a clean and tidy modern production workshop, a complete production line, each link is not leaking, the equipment is strictly tested.
3, Service advantage: Provide customers with 24-hour uninterrupted service to ensure that customers can solve problems as soon as possible, and provide one-stop service for regular return visits, maintenance and repair.
4. Cooperation advantages: The company has strong financial strength, many years of experience in the advertising equipment industry, a stable R&D team, and has cooperated with many advertising industry brands.