PM25泡沫專用切割機的相關產品介紹:1、本設備用于獨立系統,系統性能穩定,切割效率高,精度也高。2、本設備的床身采用的是國標大方管焊接,床身牢固、穩定、使用壽命長。3、導軌采用數控雙臂龍門刨加工,龍門側板及電機座用數控磨床精加工,保證運行平行度和垂直度。4、本設備的控制系統使用中文界面,使用人員只需要培訓1到2天就能獨立操作本設備。5、本設備具有空程加速、原點回零、電子限位等功能;此外可以在不間斷切割過程中可調節設備運行速度,軟件性能齊全,功能強大。6、本設備兼容CAXA和AUTOCAD圖紙,無需描圖、編程,操作簡單,十分方便。7、使用中國臺灣產TBI滾珠絲桿或無錫新越高精度齒條,傳動精準,無間隙,噪音小。8、本設備使用高柔屏蔽線材,具有適應環境廣、使用壽命長、信號更穩定、傳輸無偏差等優勢。9、具有防塵系統,改善工作環境。PM25泡沫專用切割機產品展示:PM25泡沫專用切割機的相關參數:PM25泡沫專用切割機的相關參數表 |
設備型號 | PM25 |
工作臺面 | 2500mm X 1300mm X 1300mm |
X軸切割行程 | 2500mm |
Y軸行程 | 1300mm |
系統分辨率 | ±0.04 |
文件格式 | G代碼 |
工作臺結構 | 加厚方管焊接 |
工作電壓 | AC220V/20HZ |
繪圖軟件 | AotoCAD |
支撐導軌 | 直線方軌 |
傳動絲杠 | 中國臺灣TBI滾珠絲杠 |
傳動齒條 | 國產高精度齒條 |
驅動器 | 杰美康860 |
控制柜 | 獨立出口機柜 |
工作臺面 | 20mm復合聚酯板加工中心精銑 |
控制電腦 | 專業工控電腦、19寸品牌顯示器 |
調壓器功率 | 1KVA(可選配) |
1. Innovative advantages: Independent innovation is the foundation of the survival of the company. The company has a stable R&D team and cooperates with many industry brands to lay the technical foundation for providing solutions for customers.
2, manufacturing advantages: a clean and tidy modern production workshop, a complete production line, each link is not leaking, the equipment is strictly tested.
3, Service advantage: Provide customers with 24-hour uninterrupted service to ensure that customers can solve problems as soon as possible, and provide one-stop service for regular return visits, maintenance and repair.
4. Cooperation advantages: The company has strong financial strength, many years of experience in the advertising equipment industry, a stable R&D team, and has cooperated with many advertising industry brands.