當前位置:張家港億欣和精密機械有限公司>>金屬圓鋸機>>全自動金屬圓鋸機>> MC-180CNC-2A 毛細管切割
● 機器造型美觀、精巧,操作輕便、噪音低、無粉塵污染、鋸切質量好、切口內外無毛刺、生產效率高。本機是上下夾緊型,特別適合多支切割。
● 送料部分和鋸切部分設計緊湊,所以鋸切尾料短,當尾料大于150mm時,可做到無尾料。
● 采用PLC+觸摸屏控制,伺服馬達驅動,操作簡單易懂。
● 根據客戶管材需要,定制鉗口。
● 使用軸承鋼光軸和直線軸承,送料平穩,輕松,壽命長。
● 無料報警功能。
● 配備自動冷卻系統,保證鋸片長時間工作。
● 使用整體鎢鋼鋸片,高速旋轉,切出面光滑。
● The machine has the advantages of beautiful and exquisite shape, light operation, low noise, no dust pollution, good sawing quality, no burr inside and outside the incision, production efficiency and high. This machine is upper and lower clamping type, especially suitable for multi-branch cutting.
● The feeding part and the sawing part are designed to be tightly punched, so the sawing tailings are very short, and when the last section is greater than 150mm, there can be no tailings.
● Adopting PLC and touch screen control, servo motor drive, easy to understand.
● Customize the clamp according to the needs of the customer's pipe.
● The use of bearing steel optical shaft and linear bearing, smooth feeding, easy, long life.
● No material alarm function.
● Equipped with automatic cooling system to ensure that the saw blade works for a long time.
● The use of integral tungsten steel saw blade, high-speed rotation, smooth cutting surface.