500 kg… 16 t L/LA/LE/LAC
1. Easy mounting
2. Stainless steel construction
3. Hermetically welded sealed, IP68 (depth of 1.5m for 10,000 hrs.), IP 69K
4. Ex-version available (LE)
5. Direct 4… 20 mA output (LA)
6. Only 25/35 mm installation height
7. Application - Level control for liquid and bulk materials
Technical Data L/LE LA/LAC
Accuracy class 0.5 0.5 %
Minimum dead load lowest limit of specified measuring range Emin 0 5 % Emax
Rated capacity highest limit of specified measuring range Emax s. table s. table
Safe overload upper limit for measurements Eu 150 120 % Emax
Destructive load danger of mechanical destruction Ed 300 300 % Emax
Rated output relative output at nominal load Cn 2.0 16 mA mV/V
Tolerance on rated output permissible deviation from rated output dc < 4 < 4 % Cn
Tolerance on zero signal load cell output signal under unloaded condition Smin < 4 4 mA % Cn
Repeatability error max. change in load cell output εR < 0.1 < 0.1 % Cn
for repeated loading
Creep, during 30 min max. change in load cell output dcr < 0.1 < 0.1 % Cn
under nominal load
Non-Linearity max. deviation from best straight line dLin < 0.25 < 0.25 % Cn
through zero
Hysteresis max. difference in load cell output dhy < 0.15 < 0.15 % Cn
when loading from zero to nominal load
and unloading back to zero
Temperature effect on zero max. change of Smin/10 K D T over BT TKSmin < 0.15 < 0.15 % Cn/10K
referred to Cn
Temperature effect on output max. change of C /10 K D T over BT TKc < 0.1 < 0.1 % Cn/10K
referred to Cn
Input impedance between supply terminals RLC 645 ± 60 - ¥
Output impedance between measuring terminals RO 635 ± 15 - ¥
Insulation impedance between measuring circuit and housing 100 VDC RIS > 5,000 - M¥
Recommended supply voltage to hold the specified performance Bu 4… 24 20… 28 V
Max. supply voltage permissible for continuous operation Umax 25 25 V
without damage
Nominal ambient temp. range to hold the specified performance BT -10… +70 -10… +55 ° C
Usable ambient temp. range permissible for continuous operation BTu -30… +95 -30… +70 ° C
without damage
Storage temperature range Transportation and storage BTl -40… +95 -40… +80 ° C
Permissible eccentricity permissible displacement from nominal load line Sex 10 10 mm
Vibration resistance resistance against oscillation (IEC 68-2-6 Fc) - 20 g, 100 h, 20 g, 100 h,
10… 150 Hz 10… 150 Hz
Air pressure effects influence of ambient air pressure on Smin PKSmin ≤ 20 ≤ 20 g/kPa
Nominal deflection max. elastic deformation under nominal load snom up to 2 t <0.1/ up to 2 t <0.1/
16 t
電容式加速度傳感器 利用電容器振蕩電路的振蕩頻率f與極板間距d 的正比例關系工作(圖6 )。極板有兩塊,一塊固定不動,另一塊可移動。在承重臺加載被測物時,板簧撓曲,兩極板之間的距離發生變化,電路的振蕩頻率也隨之變化。測出頻率的變化即可求出承重臺上被測物的質量。電容式傳感器耗電量少,造價低,準確度為1/200~1/500。