20t… 75t, Typ C3/C4/C5/C6
1. No corner adjustment necessary
2. High overload capacity
3. IP 68 (1.5 m/10.000 hrs) IP 69K (washdown cleaning)
4. Proven rocker-pin principle
5. Best overvoltage protection
6. Highest reliability
7. 100 % Maintenance free
8. Ex - version available
9. Patent pending: WO 01/18504, EP 1 227 306 A1
光柵式傳感器利用光柵形成的莫爾條紋把角位移轉換成光電信號 。光柵有兩塊,一為固定光柵,另一為裝在表盤軸上的移動光柵。加在承重臺上的被測物通過傳力杠桿系統使表盤軸旋轉,帶動移動光柵轉動,使莫爾條紋也隨之移動。利用光電管、轉換電路和顯示儀表,即可計算出移過的莫爾條紋數量,測出光柵轉動角的大小,從而確定和讀出被測物質量。
Maximum capacity highest limit of specified measuring range Emax 20 30 50 60 75 t
Max. usable load upper limit for measurements Eu 40 60 75 75 75 t
Destructive load danger of mechanical destruction Ed > 100 > 150 > 150 > 150 > 150 t
Rated output relative output signal at nominal load Cn 1 1 2 2.4 3 mV/V
for accuracy classes C4 atE max ≥ 60t, 1.5 1.5 1,5 mV/V
C5 atE max ≥ 50t
Nominal deflection max. elastic deformation under nominal load snom 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.7 0,8 mm
它利用電容器振蕩電路的振蕩頻率f與極板間距d 的正比例關系工作(圖6 )。極板有兩塊,一塊固定不動,另一塊可移動。在承重臺加載被測物時,板簧撓曲,兩極板之間的距離發生變化,電路的振蕩頻率也隨之變化。測出頻率的變化即可求出承重臺上被測物的質量。電容式傳感器耗電量少,造價低,準確度為1/200~1/500。
Accuracy class C3C4 C5 C6*
Accuracy class 0.015 0.012 0.010 0.008 % Emax
Minimum dead load lowest limit of specified measuring range Emin 0 0 0 0 % Emax
Min. LC verification minimum load cell verification interval Y 14,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
interval (vmin = Emax/Y)
Deadload Return factor for min. dead load output return Z 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
(DR = 1/2 Emax/Z) for Emax 50t: Z 6,000 6,000
Tolerance permissible deviation from rated output dc < 0.07 < 0.07 < 0.07 < 0.07 % Cn
on rated output
Zero output signal load cell output signal under Smin < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 % Cn