HWM8-9W2鐵人泵業(yè)-雙螺桿泵螺旋套————網(wǎng)上找螺桿泵很糾結(jié)?選擇太多?真假難辨?價格沒底?——找杜工不糾結(jié),專注螺桿泵15年,手機(jī)586,-809,,by, Product Introduce
The Double Twin Screw Pump is mainly composed of driving spindle,driven spindle and synchronous gear that is fixed on. Everyspindle has a rotating screw sleeve that the direction of rotationis contrary, the driving spindle conveys power to the drivenspindle by synchronous gear, so the rotating screw sleeve that wasfixed on the driving and driven spindle has no metallic contact.
When the pump is working, the rotating screw sleeve and pump bodyor bushing make a closed constant volume. The fluid mediumthat is sucked in from the inlet flange flows respectively to thenumber two side of the screw sleeve. It then comes intothe closed volume and is sent to the middle of the pump while thepump is working. The fluid is then transported to the outletside of the pump and through the outlet flange to the connectingpipe.
Product Features
Adopted synchronous gear: there is no metallic contact betweenrotating parts, there is an external bearing that is lubricatedseperay. The bearing or the lubrication are not influencedby the medium, so the range of medium that can be transported islarge. The pump is able to transport all kinds of fluidmedium including low viscosity, high viscosity, lubricity andnon-lubricity etc.
The pump body is two layer structure: it can heat and incubate themedium quickly and fully by using hot stream or heat-conductionoil.
The transported medium can only do a continual axial motion withinthe pump, delivery is calm and balanced. The pump is able totransport steadily and consistently to ensure that the performanceof medium and structure will not change.
Different methods of heat control can be selected for the bearingand gear in a low or high temperature environment to prolong thelife of the gear and bearing. It can use water to cool(reaching a maximum working temperature of 250 degrees) to avoidrigidity insufficiency, structure intricacy, and high cost relatedto the low life when using a long spindle.
Individual safe-valve structure: This gives the customer thefreedom to select whether to fix a problem according to the workdemand.
The special conduit ensures that the pump has high self-suctionability and lower NPSHr and can deliver the liquid with a certainproportional gas.
When the pump is working, there is no contact between the screwsleeve and the bushing this can allow dry running for a short time(≤2 minutes).
The costumer also has the option to change the speed of the pump toadjust the output pressure and keep flow steady.
The direction of the flow of the medium can also be changed if needbe.
Structure simplicity: this product has a fast and easy assembly anddisassembly.
Field of Application
Oil industryall kinds of lubricant oil, hydraulic oil, heavy oil,residue oil, crude oil and diesel oil .
Chemical industryall kinds of acid, alkali, salt, resin, glycerol,paraffin and other chemical raw material.
Paint industry :printing ink, all kinds of paint, pigment, primeretc..
Food industryalcohol, spirits, honey, syrup, toothpaste, milk,cream, soy, animal and vegetable oil etc.
Construction industry: all kinds of heavy oil, residue oil, coaltar oil etc.
Technology Parameter
2、working pressure:≤2.0MP
3、speed:950 rpm 1450rpm
4、working temperature:-20---250℃
6、the high of suction:≤8m
Code specification
direction of inlet and outlet
type of cooling
Type of cooling specification:
When the working temperature is less than 120 degreesselect naturalcooling(standard model)
When the working temperature is more than 120°and less than 140°,wesuggest using gill cooling to cool gear case
When the working temperature is more than 140°, we suggest usingcooling water to cool gear case and bearing housing.
Notice Of Selecting Pump Setting
Firstly to understand the practical working parameters, such as:flux, pressure, medium, working temperature and viscosity.
According to the viscosity of medium at working temperature, selectthe speed, usually when ≤300mm2/s, it is right to selectn=1450r/min, when≥300mm2/s, please take care to consider essentialcavitation remainder, avoid bringing the pump to a vibration.
From the pumps performance table, firstly to choose the setting tobest suit the needed delivery and pressure.
From the cavitation remainder table, find out the essentialcavitation remainder &#118alue according to the size, speed,viscosity.
After selection, the foundation will be designed depending on theoutline of pump a HWM8-9W2鐵人泵業(yè)-雙螺桿泵螺旋套————螺桿泵就找杜工,專注螺桿泵15年,省心高效.—586,-809