項目 /item | 單位 /unit | YF-1210 | |||
X軸行程(X-axis tavel) | 1000 | ||||
Y軸行程(X-axis tavel) | 1200 | ||||
Z軸行程(X-axis tavel) | 500 | ||||
龍門架寬度(Gantry Width) | 1050 | ||||
工作臺尺寸(Table size) | 1200x1000 | ||||
T型槽(T-slot number) | 16x5x200 | ||||
工作臺承重(Max.weight permissible) | 500 | ||||
主軸功率(spindle power) | 5.5/7.5 | ||||
主軸轉速(spindle speed) | 500-24000 | ||||
主軸鼻端到工作臺面距離(spindle nose table surface) | 80-580 | ||||
主軸錐孔規格(spindle bellmouth spec) | ER32 | ||||
裝卸刀方式Stevedoring | 手動 | ||||
氣壓要求(pneumatic source requirement) | 6-7 | ||||
三軸快速進給率(rapid feed) | 9000 | ||||
三軸切削進給率(Cut feed) | 1-8000 | ||||
定位精度(Positioning precision) | ±0.008/300 | ||||
重復定位精度(repeating Positioning precision) | ±0.003 | ||||
控制器(controller) | 新代. 寶元. 法格 | ||||
總功率(total power) | kw | 14 | |||
機床重量(machine weight) | kg | 4800 | |||
機床尺寸machine size | mm | 3400/2200/2600 |
高速雕銑機規格(Specification for high speed engraving and milling machine)
標準配置(Standard configuration)
l 全封閉防護外罩(Fully enclosed protection cover) 集中自動進給潤滑油系統(Central centralized automatic feed lubricating oil system) 分離式電子手輪(Split type electronic hand wheel)
l 主軸油冷機(Spindle oil cooler) 以太網和CF卡接(USB)接口(Ethernet (USB) interface and the CF card) 切削冷卻系統(Cutting cooling system)
l 三色報警燈(Three color warning lamp0 LED工作燈(LED working lamp) 地基墊鐵及調整螺栓(Foundation cushion iron and adjusting bolt)
l 自動對刀儀(Automatic aligning instrument)
可選配置(Optional configuration)
12把傘型刀庫主軸BT30(12 umbrella type tool magazine BT300 8把排刀刀庫 主軸BT30 (The L8 row knife library spindle BT30
) 第四軸第5軸(Fourth axes and fifth axes) 直聯機械主軸(Direct coupling machine spindle)
l YF-1210配高轉速機械主軸(12000/15000/20000RMP)主軸BT40
(YF-1210 l equipped with high speed mechanical spindle (12000/15000/20000RMP) spindle BT40)
機床特性(Characteristic of machine tool)
機床結構設計合理,具有良好的整體剛性。(Machine tool structure design is reasonable, has a good overall rigidity)
l 床身由“米漢納"鑄鐵鑄造,內部筋骨架加強,經過退火時效處理,穩定性高.不易變型。
("Mickey Hanna" by bed casting, internal reinforcement skeleton strengthening, after annealing and aging treatment, high stability not easy to deform.)
l 采用日本.中國臺灣技術及專用雕銑機系統,使用日本伺服電機.進口C3級滾珠絲桿及進口P級軸承, 從而提高設備精度加工。(Japan, Taiwan technology and special engraving and milling machine system, the use of Japanese servo motor. Imported C3 grade ball screw and import P grade bearings, thereby improving the precision machining equipment)
l 各軸絲桿施以預拉減少變形。(Reduction of deformation by pre tension of each wire rod)
l 適用于黑色金屬,有色金屬,APS塑料等多種材料加工。
(Suitable for ferrous metals, nonferrous metals, APS plastics and other materials processing)
l 增設除塵系統可以用于石墨等高粉塵材料加工。
(The addition of dust removal system can be used for graphite and other high dust materials processing)