油壓淺深喉沖床Oil pressure light deep throat punch press
Is our company according to the hydraulic deep throat punch press for many years production experience, developed based on energy-saving, environmental protection, economic and practical combination of a hydraulic press, hydraulic press with all the advantages. Machine combination of hydraulic and shallow throat deep throat punch press, shared set of hydraulic systems, two independent sets of electrical control box, can be controlled at the same time, independent operation. Shallow throat punching parts equipped with shear angle mould, deep throat sites equipped with piercing die for the bending die or to form iron notching, punching, bending and practical combination of hydraulic presses, reducing equipment investment, reduce production costs, fully improve efficiency.
主要特點:Main features:
1. 根據工程結構力學特征,將沖床深喉口邊設計為低噸位深喉沖床,利用同一機身增加尾部淺喉口,得到高噸位的淺喉沖床,充分利用了鋼構機架,降低了沖床的制造成本,zui終減少了客戶設備投資。
1. Based on the engineering characteristics of structural mechanics, punching deep throat deep throat mouth design for low-tonnage presses, using the same fuselage to increase the tail light throat, high tonnage of shallow throat punch, full use of the steel frame, reduce the manufacturing cost of punch, eventually reducing customer equipment investment.
2. 根據沖床的間隙負載特性,利用一套液壓系統提供前后兩臺沖床的沖壓力,充分利用液壓系統,減少了電費,降低了生產成本。
According to punch clearance load characteristics, provided two punches in before and after using a hydraulic system pressure, take full advantage of hydraulic systems, reducing tariffs, reducing production costs.
3. 油壓深喉沖床部位:深喉口C型機架,工件上下方便、整板上機無加工死角,為大鈑金沖壓加工之實用組合沖床。
Hydraulic deep throat punch press site: deep throat c-frame, work from top to bottom, on the entire Board without processing the dead angle, as the practical combination punch the punching process.
4. 油壓淺喉沖床部位:安裝在油壓深喉沖床尾部,可單獨作淺喉沖床使用。配上剪角模,可作標準剪角機使用,剪角模上配有工作臺,利于工件平展沖壓,工作臺上有45度、橫向、縱向標尺,并且標尺上有可調檔位,無須對工件劃線,免看線即可準確剪方角、斜角,*的提高了工作效率和工件品質。
Oil pressure light throat punch site: installed in the tail of the hydraulic deep throat punch press, can be used solely as a light punch throat. Accompanied by a special notching die, standard notching machine,
20-60ton oil pressure light deep throat punch press main specifications and technical parameters:
型 號 Model | XW11-20T/30T | XW11-40T/60T | |||
部件 Parts | 深喉部件Deep throat part | 淺喉部件Shallow throat parts | 深喉部件Deep throat part | 淺喉部件Shallow throat parts | |
zui大工作壓力 Maximum working pressure | 20(t) | 30(t) | 40(t) | 60(t) | |
滑枕zui大行程Maximum travel of RAM | 100(mm) | 100(mm) | 100(mm) | 100(mm) | |
滑枕下端面 Maximum distance from table | 320(mm) | 320(mm) | 320(mm) | 310(mm) | |
滑枕行程次數Number of RAM travel | 75/min | 75/min | 75/min | 75/min | |
虎口深度 From the depths | 500(mm) | 180(mm) | 500(mm) | 260(mm) | |
供電電源Power supply power supply | 380/220(v) | 380/220(v) | 380/220(v) | ||
電動機(功率)Electric Motors (power) | 4(kw) |
| 7.5(kw) | ||
外形尺寸Overall dimensions | 長L | 1575(mm) | 1760(mm) | ||
寬W | 580(mm) | 675(mm) | |||
高H | 1510(mm) | 1764(mm) | |||
機器凈重 Machine net weight | 1.28(t) | |