“凱瑪”系列雕刻機是洛克公司2009年全新推出的一款廣告行業標識標牌雕刻機。外型新穎美觀、速度快、精度高。配有本公司研發的“啄木鳥”彩屏DSC-931數控系統,采用高清真彩LCD顯示屏,各種數據顯示清晰鮮艷,人-機界面友好;支持*脫離PC機的高速USB 2.0U盤,其兼容性強,讀取速度快(12MB/秒);同時配有以太網通訊接口,現實與PC機遠距離傳輸文件,并存入機內大容量Flash,方便讀取。采用數-模轉換技術,控制主軸轉速更加方便精確。系統采用新一代高速數字信控制器(DSC),致使系統數據處理速度大為提高:步進驅動zui高進給速度可達7.2米/分!圓弧-直線運動平滑流暢!新一代控制系統除保留原歐派系列雕刻機之《斜線下刀》加工,《斷電記憶》加工,《任意程序段》氣啟動加工等功能以外,增加了《專家模式》:如《等速切割模式》?!镀矫娴窨棠J健?,《浮雕雕刻模式》以及《用戶自定義模式》,即用戶可根據自己經驗設置參數,分別保存不同自定義模式,方便再次調用,省時方便。新一代系統還配有多種高級加工功能:如《矩陣加工》,《鏡像加工》。《掃描加工》,《鉆孔加工》……*等等。該系統備有U盤系統升級功能:凡“啄木鳥”雕刻機合法用戶可通過因特網從洛克公司*上自己接下載控制系統升級程序,對自己系統進行升級,方便用戶不斷提高已有機器的性能,共享洛克公司科研成果,為客戶創造價值!
型號 1212
重復定位精度 ±0.05 毫米
分辨率 0.005毫米/脈沖
變頻主軸電機 1500/2200 瓦
zui高主軸電機轉速 24000 轉/分
刀柄直徑 Φ3.175、Φ4、Φ6、Φ8 毫米
zui高快移走速 7.2/25* 米/分
臺面尺寸(X、Y) 1360×1610 毫米
zui大行程(X、Y、Z) 1200×1200×110 毫米
外型尺寸(W、L、H) 1750×1750×1370 毫米
電源電壓 AC220V±10%50HZ 伏特/赫茲
重量 500 公斤
功耗 1.8/3.0 千瓦
Name: High-precision engraving machine
Type: CP-1212
“Woodpecker” CAMARO Series engraving machine is a new model for the sign making industry launched in 2009. It has a new look, fast speed and high precision. It comes with a newly developed Woodpecker DSC CNC controller, high definition color LCD display, and a user friendly interface. It can work offline. It uses a high speed USB 2.0 connector and can transfer at speeds up to 12MB/min. There is an Ethernet connector and a large internal memory, making it easy to download data. The new digital analog converter makes it much easier to change the speed of the spindle via the controller. The controller uses DSC technology, enhancing data processing speed. With a step driver, it can reach speeds up to 7.2 meters per minute. When the job mixes straight lines and arcs, it will make the output very smooth. The new controller has the same previous functions such as cutting at an angle for smoother cuts, power failure memory of the last point, restarting the job at any line, etc… New functions includes Professional modes like “Constant speed cutting”, “2D mode”, “3D mode”, “Custom made mode” (the user can set his own defined parameters for each kind of job and save it), which is easier to reuse for the future. The new controller has many kinds of high level functions, like “Duplicate Mode”, “Mirror Image Mode”, “Scanning Mode”, “Drilling Mode” *, etc... With the new DSC controller, updates can be made via files that can be downloaded from ROC-MESE website (only for registered end users). Customers can now have the latest software version of the controller without replacing the board.
Technology parameter list
CP-1212 Unit
Precision Repeatability ±0.02 mm
Spindle 1.5▲ kw
Spindle Rate 24000 r/min
Cutting Tool Diameter Φ3.175/Φ6 mm
Max Movement Speed 7.2 m/min
Working Table Size(X、Y) 1360X1650 mm
Max Working Size(X、Y、Z) 1200X1200X110 mm
External Size(W、L、H) 1790X1970X1400 mm
Power Source AC220V±10% 50HZ v/hz
Weight 500 kg
Consumption 2.5 kw
Note:Parameters are subject to change.use the company technical standards as the basis.
▲:2.2kw optional.
*:Results are different using a step motor versus a servo motor.
★:Depending on the spindle power,results may differ.
*:Wireless controller is optional.