幾大特點:1、具有重型正規立車的功能、精度。2、無級調速,主電機變頻調換 轉速。3、機構合理,價格低廉。4、能夠增設數控系統,使機床自動化
CQ5250詳細介紹 zui大車削直徑 mm Max. turning diameter 5000 工件zui大高度 mm Max. height of work-piece 2000 (can be extended) 工件zui大重量 T Max. weight of work-piece 32 zui大切削力 N Max. cutting power 50000 zui大扭轉力矩 N.m Max. swivel torque 84000 工作臺直徑 mm Working table diameter 3900/4200 工作臺轉速范圍 r/min Speed range of working table 1~35 刀架水平移動距離 (X) mm Horizontal movement of tool post 2650 刀架垂直移動距離 (Z) mm Vertical movement of tool post 1250 (can be extended) 刀架zui大回轉角度 Max. swivel angle of tool post ±30° 刀架進給量范圍 mm/min Range of feed amount of tool post 02.0~100 刀架快速移動速度 mm/min Rapid movement of tool post 2000 橫梁zui大行程 mm Max. travel of cross rail 1750 主電機功率 Kw Main motor power 75 (frequency conversion) 機床重量 T Machine weight 76 外形尺寸(長×寬×高) mm Overall dimensions (L×W×H) 8363×6131×5005 |