詳細介紹 TKJ6913 數控落地銑鏜床 主要技術參數: Main specifications: 鏜軸直徑 mm Boring spindle diameter Ø130 銑軸端部直徑 mm Diameter of milling arbor end 221.44 鏜軸錐孔 Spindle taper 公制80﹟ (Metric system) 主軸轉速 r/min Spindle speed 3~700 主電機功率(變頻) Power of main motor (frequency control) 22 主軸zui大扭矩 N.M Max. torque of spindle 3500 主軸軸向zui大拉力 N Max. axial tension of spindle 30000 滑枕端面尺寸(長×寬)mm Ram section size (L×W) 350×420 立柱橫向行程(X)mm Transverse travel of vertical column 4000 (可加長) (can be extended) 主軸箱垂直行程(Y)mm Vertical travel of spindle box 2000 (可加長) (can be extended) 主軸軸向行程(Z)mm Axial travel of spindle 700 滑枕伸縮行程(W)mm Ram travel 700 平旋盤轉速 r/min Facing plate speed 3-122 平旋盤直徑 mm Facing plate diameter Ø 600 進給速度范圍 X mm/min Y Z、W Feed range X Y Z、W 4-3000 2-3000 1-2000 定位精度 mm X、Y Z、W Positioning accuracy: X、Y Z、W ±0.02/1000 ±0.02 數控系統配置 CNC system FAGOR8055 or other CNC system 機床外形尺寸(長×寬×高)mm Overall dimensions (L×W×H) 7900×3500×5890 機床主機重量 Kg Machine weight 38000