產品的主要結構特點: 該系列數控相貫線切割機是一種對鋼管和有色金屬管子的結合處相貫線孔、相貫線端部、彎頭(蝦米節)進行自動計算和切割的設備。該機廣泛運用于建筑、化工、造船、機械工程、冶金、電力等行業的管道結構件的切割加工。 數控相貫線切割機能十分方便的切割加工此類工件,無需操作者計算、編程,只需輸入管道相貫系統的管子半徑、相交角度等參數,機器就能自動切割出管子的相貫線、相貫線孔及焊接坡口。 product features: the series cnc cutting machine is a kind of equipment that can automatically calculate and cut the through line hole, through line end, elbow (shrimp joint) for various steel pipes and nonferrous metal pipes. this machine is used widely in the cutting of pipeline components in such industries as construction, chemical, shipbuilding, machinery engineering, metallurgy, electricity etc. it is very convenient for the series cutting machine to process this kind of workpieces, without calculation, programming but inputting the pipe radius, through angle etc for the pipe through system, then the machine can automatically cut the through line hole and welding bevel of the pipe. |