BARTON巴頓品牌是由加利福尼亞的巴頓瓊斯于上世紀四十年代創立,至今已有六十年的悠久歷史。今天,巴頓品牌的核心是它眾多基于差壓的產品,包括圖表記錄 儀(Chart Recorder)、指示器(Indicator)和開關(Switch)等。在眾多領域巴頓的產品都發揮著它*的作用、并且這些產品已無可辯駁的成為行業的標準。
美國巴頓barton流量計、壓力表精度(差壓范圍)0-30”w.c. to 0-50”w.c.(0-75 mbar to 0-124 mbar)………±0.75% of full scale0-51”w.c. to 0-60 psi(0-127 mbar to 0-4.1 bar)………±0.5% of full scale0-61 psi. to 0-150 psi(0-4.2 bar to 0-10.3 bar)………±0.75% of full scale0-151 psi. to 0-400 psi(0-10.4 bar to 0-27.6 bar)………±1.0% of full scale0-401 psi. to 0-600 psi(0-27.7 bar to 0-41.3 bar)………±1.5% of full scale0-601 psi. to 0-1000 psi(0-41.4 bar to 0-69 bar)………±4.0% of full scaleDial Size………………………..6”DiameterTemperature Limits…………….-40℃to +82℃Indicator Case……………………Aluminum Alloy, Enamel or Epoxy Finish or 316 SSTLens……………………………..Polycarbonate (shatterproof glass for SST Version)O-rings (Wetted)…………………Buna-N, Viton, or EPTOverall Dimensions……………...per configuration and 224/224CDPU housing rating。