Wagner Magnete電磁夾具 zjj
Wagner Magnete電磁夾具 zjj
Wagner Magnete電磁夾具
Wagner Magnete于1935年成立,一直是磁體技術質量和創新的代名詞,擁有 DIN EN ISO 9001 的認證。如今,Wagner Magnete憑借高品質,安全性和可靠性的產品為客戶提供正確的解決方案,受到客戶的廣泛好評。
主要產品:Wagner Magnete電磁鐵、Wagner Magnete起重磁鐵、Wagner Magnete磁吸盤、Wagner Magnete磁鐵控制器、Wagner Magnete消磁設備、Wagner Magnete電磁夾具
Specialized competence and direct
contact to the manufacturer
We offer competent advice from our specialized
sales department, fi eld sales personnel
and technical assistance by our
specialists in the design and electronics
departments in order to fi nd solutions for
your clamping tasks.
Certifi ed quality
We provide our customers with the best
quality available and produce our devices
on modern computer controlled machines
and equipment. In order to meet the high
demands, we have set up a continuous
quality management system on the basis
of DIN EN ISO 9001.
Magnetic Systems for New Technologies
In order to realize new processing
technologies optimally, the clamping
system is subject to high demands. No
matter whether HSC machining, the hard
turning of ball bearing raceways and
the piggyback grinding of linear guides,
we have developed respective clamping
Demagnetising Devices
During the manufacturing process, steel
components can already become magnetic
by machining and deformation or during
transport. However, due to their future
purpose of use many components should
not have any residual magnetism. We
have specialized in this fi eld and provide
anything from manual demagnetising
devices up to automatic systems.
常用型號:L535d 、L536d、L515d