一、產品特點 ※ 效果好:焊接表面無突起,無需拋光打磨,省時省工,美觀牢固。 ※ 效率高:設備即開即用,操作簡單,焊接速度是傳統焊接工藝的8~10倍。 ※ 低成本:無須耗材,無需表面處理,無須高薪聘請專業人員。普工即學即會,操作環境舒適,輕松焊接難焊字體。 ※ 高穩定性:采用激光器,壽命8~10年,性能穩定,功率大,可24小時連續操作。 ※ 光路靈活:可上下前后移動,激光頭可360度旋轉,采用加長光路,適合各種字體字型的焊接。 ※ :性價比高,專業培訓,維修快速。
二、產品優勢 advantages of the products 1、焊接效果好,焊接牢固,不會出現脫焊,并且沒有焊斑,熱影響區域小,不會引起因受熱而變形的現象 with good welding performance, can weld firmly without sealing off and welding spots the area influenced by heat is small, the materials will not be out of shape 2、生熟手均可很快學會操作,為您節省昂貴的技術人工成本 easy to learn and in turn save you the expensive cost of skillful labor forces 當前,無論是經濟較發達的沿海地區,還是經濟欠發達的內陸地區,都不同程度地遇到了招工難問題,技術人才工資更是成倍增長,本產品操作方便簡單,生熟手均可上機操作,為你解決技術人才難招,技術人才工資高問題! Nowadays, no matter in economically well-developed coastal regions or in less-developed inlands, factories have suffered from the insufficiency of workers. The salaries of skillful workers have also doubted. This machine is easy and convenient for both new and proficient workers to operate and therefore solves for you the problem of hiring skillful workers and paying for the high salaries. 3、工人效率高,工作不累! workers can work at ease with high efficiency of the machine 傳統標識焊接采用焊錫,氬弧焊等方式,工作效率低,人易疲勞,本產品突破傳統做法,采用定向點對點焊接,快過普通焊字的10-15倍,工作效率高,且操作工人坐姿工作。解決了工作累的問題! Traditional welding adopts mischzinn and argon-arc welding which have low efficiency and with which workers will feel tired easily. This machine makes a breakthrough of the traditional methods, adopting the high-efficient directional point-to-point welding method which is 10 to 15 times as fast as the normal welding and workers can operate the machine while seated. This solve the problem of exhausting working.
因為我們是使用者,所以更專業 As the user, we are more professional than others 讓你看得見的激光焊 The laser welding you must be satisfied with! 產品展示 Product Dispcay 產品實拍
激光光路 聚焦鏡頭 光路升降
聚焦鏡頭 應用范圍 Applications 廣泛應用于不銹鋼精工字、樹脂發光字等不銹鋼板、鍍鋅板產品高速精密焊接 The machine is widely applied to precise welding for products with stainless steel and galvanized steel sheet material, such as stainless steel letters and resin luminous words.
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