The main features of the machine;
1. 機床采用立軸結構。磨削效率高
This machine is a vertical grinding and milling machine, with high grinding efficiency and accurate.
2. 工作臺移動采用減速電機拖動滾珠絲杠。變頻調速,調整方便穩定。
The table movement of this machine is driving by gear motor and ball screw ,
stpeless speed frequency control, convenient and stable adjustment.
3. 配上專用夾具可實現多角度缸體的磨削
coupled with special fixtures to achieve multi-angle grinding cylinder and head.
4. 機床鑄件均采用樹脂砂,變形量小外觀整齊。
The casting part of this machine is resin sand casting, deformation is small neat appearance.
5. 主軸電機為變頻電機可實現無極調速
The main spindle use inverter motor,stepless speed control.