1.Gage Overview儀器概述
The Adcole is a high-speed, high-precision gage designed to measurecrankshafts, camshafts, pistons and other cylindrical components in demandingproduction environments.Simple to operate, with comprehensive, easy-to-understandpass/fail output reports, theModel 1200-LX is a vital tool in maintaining part quality and production process fidelityas it verifies part tolerances, minimizes scrap, flags potential quality issues, qualifies grinders and machining tools, and helpseliminate quality breaches.
Adcole1200-LX型是一款高速、高精度的測量儀, 用于在苛刻的生產環境中測量曲軸、凸輪軸、活塞和其它圓柱組件。簡單的操作, 具有全面, 易于理解的是否通過要求的輸出報高告,1200-LX型是保持零件質量和監控生產過成的一個重要工具, 經過它驗證工件公差后,能很大限度地減少廢料, 查出潛在的質量問題, 并用于磨床和加工設備的調校, 并幫助消除質量缺陷。
Adcole gages are relied on every day in major engine and engine component plantsall over the world.The Model 1200-LX gage represents over forty years of research, development and steady refinement in electromechanical-nics technology and computer process control. The measuring gage offers exceptional performance, proven reliability, and the trusted Adcole accuracy the automotive industry has long recognized as the world standard.
世界各地的主要發動機和發動機組件工廠每天都依賴Adcole 測量儀。1200-LX 測量儀代表了四十年的研究, 發展和穩步細化機電光電子技術和計算機過程控制。該測量儀具有優異的性能、值得信賴的可靠性,Adcole 精度是汽車工業長期以來*的世界標準。
Applications and advantages of the Model 1200-LX measuring machine include:
1200型 LX 測量機的應用和優點包括:
•In-line and end-of-line quality inspection.
•Saves costs in both labor and materials.
•Accept new machine tools.
•Control over manufacturing process.
•Verifies grinders, milling machines, polishers and other machine tools.
•Minimizes scrap and rework to maximize good part production.
•Proof of part quality and production expertise.
•Correlates with other Adcole gages at machine suppliers, prototype and design facilities and other manufacturing locations.
•與其他Adcole 測量儀在機床供應商、原型和設計設備以及其他制造地點的關聯.
•Make fast and efficient measurements of first-off parts after wheel changes and part changeovers.
Design advantages of the new Model 1200-LX:
新機型 1200-LX 的設計優勢:
•New, modern cabinet houses all components:main gage, electronics, peripherals and tooling drawers. The innovative design takes up considerably less floor space, ships on one skid, and installs with factory wiring.
•新的、現代化的櫥柜內容納了有所有組件: 主量具、電子設備、外設和工裝抽屜。創新設計占用相當少的地板空間,一個箱子發運,并可接工廠線
•Accuracy has been improved with lower spindle runout less than 125nanometers (nm) and radial measuring resolution of 5 nm.
•精度已得到改善, 較低的主軸跳動小于125納米 (nm) 和徑向測量分辨率為 5 nm.
•Enclosed measuring chamber with interlocking, easy-swing door improves operator safety, eliminates the need for air pressure system and keeps the gage clean.
•封閉測量空間, 帶鎖、易開關的門, 提高了操作者的安全, 消除了氣壓系統的需要, 使量具保持清潔.
•New LED task lighting enhances part visibility and doubles as GO/NO-GO indicator by changing color.
•新的 LED 任務照明增強了部件的可視性, 并通過更改顏色來顯示 "go/無 go" 指示器.
•Brushless DC servo motors with encoder feedbackfor carriage and headstock drives improve gage speed, performance, reliability and accuracy.
• 無刷直流伺服電機與編碼器的反饋, 為滑架和頭座驅動器提高了測量速度, 性能, 可靠性和準確性.
•Linear motors reduce follower friction and increase accuracy.
•New user-friendly software makes part sequence writing, report generation, and SPC files quick and easy to produce.
•新的 人機友好界面使部件序列編寫、報告生成和 SPC 文件快速且易于生成.
•The roof of the gage has been designed to accommodate an optional load assist device for heavy parts. By mounting the assist device on the roof, part loading is easier and requires less floor space.
•量具的頂部設計為適用于重型零件的可選負載輔助裝置。通過安裝在屋頂上的輔助裝置, 部分裝貨更容易,需要更少的地板空間
The gage is constructed from granite and steel and sits on vibration dampening air mounts. Workpieces are loaded vertically into the machine and clamped between a headstock and a tailstock. The tailstock (a) is vertically adjustable to accommodate various shaft lengths.
該量具是由花崗巖和鋼建造, 底部布置有氣墊。工件垂直裝入機器, 夾在主軸箱和尾座之間。尾座 (a) 可垂直調節以容納不同的軸長度。
A carriage (b) containing the radial measurement system, aka, follower (c) sits alongside the workpiece. The follower engages the workpiece, which is then rotated or scanned linearly depending on the desired measurement.
包含徑向測量系統的運輸 (b), 又名, 測頭 (c) 坐在工件旁邊。測頭嚙合工件, 然后根據所需的測量線性地進行旋轉或掃描。
The size and shape (straight, round, knife edge, etc.) of the follower can be varied depending on the measurement task. All Adcole followers are cryogenically hardened for maximum durability and to eliminate measurement errors that can occur with easily worn-down followers.
測頭的尺寸和形狀 (直、圓、刀邊等) 可以根據測量任務的不同而變化。所有 Adcole 的測頭都低溫硬化, 以很大限度的耐用性, 并消除可能因使用不耐磨的測頭所發生的測量錯誤。
2.1Gage Characteristics儀器特征
The smallest1200-LX gage line comes in 0.7M s.
1200-LX型尺寸 (0.7M)。
•Part Length Capacity:0.7 Meters
•零件長度:高達1米或高達1.5 米的
•Swing Diameter:302 mm (11.88")
•回轉直徑:302 毫米 (11.88 ")
•Part Weight:341 kg (750 lb.)
•工件重量:341千克 (750 磅)
•Follower Stroke:190 mm (7.5") maximum
•測頭沖程:190 毫米 (7.5 ") 很大值
•Follower Speed:25 mm/s (extend) & 125 mm/s (retract and fast extend)
•測頭速度25毫米/秒 (延伸方向) & 125 毫米/秒 (退出和快速延伸)
•Follower:2.3 mm (0.09”) radius, carbide
•測頭:2.3 mm (0.09 ") 半徑, 硬質合金
•Traverse Speed: 2286 mm (90") per minute (vertically)
•滑架速度:每分鐘2286毫米 (90 ") (垂直方向)
•Rotation Speed: 1 to 30 rpm
•旋轉速度:1到 30 轉每分鐘
•Paint color: ADCOLE Grey (RAL 7035)
•油漆顏色:ADCOLE 灰色 (RAL 7035)
•Power: 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz single phase
•電源:220V交流, 50/60 赫茲單相
•Size - Gage: 1916 mm W x 1720 mm D x 2535 mm H
•尺寸-量具: 1916毫米 寬 x 1720毫米深 x 2535 毫米 高
•Weight: 2495 kg (5,500 lb.) approximate
•重量:2495千克 (5500 磅) 近似
Gage Accuracy:
•Radial:< 0.4="">
•徑向:< 0.4="">
•Diametric:=/-0.5 μm
•直徑:=/- 0.5 微米
•Angular: < 1="" arc="" second="" with="" angle="">
•角向: < 1="">
•Spindle:less than 0.125μm TIR
•主軸:低于0.125 微米跳動
•Linear Straightness:less than 0.4 μm over 100 mm
•Overall Error: less than 10% of typical industry part tolerance
•總體誤差: 低于典型工件公差10%內
Gaging Time - 4-cylinder gasoline crankshaft (5 main, 4 pin journals):
測量時間-4 缸汽油機曲軸 (5主軸頸, 4 連桿頸):
Complete using three radial cuts (traces/scans) and one vertical trace for straightness on each main journaland pin journal: 4.5 minutes. For longer, diesel crankshafts the cycle-time will be longer, approximately 7minutes without printing time (as these may vary). Pin Journal length measurements (cheek widths todatum) will add an estimated 1 minute. Part load and unload estimated at a maximum of 0.75 to 1 minute.
在每個主軸頸及連桿頸上完成三個徑向截面測量和一個垂直方向的直線度掃描: 4.5 分鐘。對于更長的柴油機曲軸的周期時間將會更長, 大約7分鐘不包含打印時間 (因為這些可能會有所不同)。連桿頸長度測量增加估計1分鐘。零件上料和下料的估計很大值為0.75 到1分鐘。
2.2Measured Parameters
The machine measures cylindrical, concentric, and eccentric features and/or eccentric lobes on crankshafts, camshafts and many other types of cylindrical parts
2.2.1Crankshaft Measuring Program
The Adcole crankshaft measuring program provides the capability to evaluate a variety of crankshaft parameters including:
Adcole 曲軸測量程序提供了評估各種曲軸參數的能力, 包括:
•Main and pin journal diameter, measured at three locations per journal (over oil holes where required). Accommodates journals of different diameters within the same part.
•主軸頸和連桿頸的直徑, 測量三個位置 (需要時可穿過油孔)。適應于同一工件的不同直徑.
•Main and pin journal circularity (roundness) with LSC, MZC (MRS), MIC and MCC circle evaluation methods according to ISO 6318. Evaluates lobing and chatter over 360 degrees and in selectable sliding window.
•根據 ISO 6318 的標準, 用 MZC (MRS)、MIC 和 MCC 圓評價的方法, 對主、連桿徑圓度進行分析。在360度里評估區域圓度和振紋, 并可在滑動窗口選擇.
•Main and pin journal cylindricity
•Main and pin journal straightness (linear profile)
•Main and pin journal taper
•Main journal parallelism
•Main and pin journal center deviation
•Main and pin journal width, lengths and their position with respect to the thrustface
•Main journal and all diameters centerline runouts relative to No’s 1and 5 and also to centers
•Main journal concentricity / eccentricity and part bow correction to end journals
•Pin journal angular position (index error)
•Pin journal throw and true position
•Pin journal parallelism to mains axes in two (2) planes
•Thrustface runout of main journals to end journal reference (1 and 5) and squareness
•Straight line error plots or polar plots to display or printer with reference circle
2.2.2Camshaft Measuring Program (Optional)
The Adcole camshaft measuring program provides the capability to evaluate a variety of camshaft parameters including:
•Cam journal diameters and circularity (roundness)
•Cam journal run-out
•Cam journal eccentricity to gage axis and part centers, and adjacent journals.
•Cam journal cylindricity, parallelism, taper and straightness
•Cam lobe #1 angle to various timing references (timing holes, timing pins, keyways).
•Cam lobe angle error: of all cams to timing reference and of all cams in relation to each other
•Cam lobe base circle radial error, runout, and velocity error
•Cam lobe maximum nose lift error (relative to base circle) and location where maximum error occurred
•Cam lobe maximum ramp lift error (relative to base circle) and location where maximum error occurred
•Cam lobe nose lift velocity error and location where maximum error occurred
•Cam lobe ramp lift velocity error and location where maximum error occurred
•Cam lobe taper, center deviation, parallelism and straightness
•LSC, MZC (MRS), MIC and MCC circle evaluation methods according to ISO 6318
•二乘圓(LSC),很大內接圓(MIC),小區域圓(MCC)的計算符合ISO 6318標準。
Filters are Gaussian digital with optional 2CR.
Waviness filters in accordance with current ISO standards with 1:15 / 1:50 / 1:150 upr freely selectable. All programs will initially be supplied with 1:50 upr.
波紋過濾器與當前 ISO 標準符合與 1:15/1:50/1:150波動/轉可自由地選擇。所有項目初將提供1:50波動每轉。
Note: Where applicable, form and location parameters are measured in accordance with the definitions contained within the International Standard, ISO 1101.
注意: 如果適用, 表格和位置參數按照標準 ISO 1101 中所包含的定義進行測量.
2.2.3Output Reports
Various profile and error graphic plots:
•Journal roundness, linear or polar
•Journal straightness, linear
•Numerical Summary Report
2.3Gage Design Features
•Robust machine base with pneumatic isolator mounts
•Heavy duty, ball bearing spindle headstock
•Heavy duty precision tailstock with carbide center
•Precision granite base plate, flat to 0.00127 mm/305 mm, with full length lapped vee-way
•Precision ground carriage-way and radial measuring slide
•Adjustable precision tailstock assembly with 60 mm travel and carbide tip center
•Carbide follower, 0.180” diameter, straight to 0.001 mm or radius type followers
•硬質合金測量圓柱,4.57 mm直徑,直線度1 um或半徑類型測頭。
•Machine cover / machine labeling in English (Optional Second Language)
•Side Acting Sensor for Lateral/Spacing Dimension checking
Accurate crankshaft measurement demands a gage with high precision, as the rod journals are eccentric to the part axis, requiring a long accurate motion of the follower. One arc second of angle error can result in a radius measurement error of 0.12 microns per 25 mm.
精確的曲軸測量要求高精度的量具, 因為連桿頸是偏心于零件軸線, 要求一個耐用并且準確的測頭。1角秒角度誤差可以導致半徑測量每25mm有0.12微米誤差.
For a crankshaft with a 50 mm throw, a one arc second error in angle can result in a radial error of 0.24 microns on a pin journal. This is 4.6% of the roundness tolerance for a typical high precision crankshaft.
The Adcole Model 1200-LX gage is based on a high precision ball bearing spindle, precision carriage and unique follower design.Since the runout of the spindle directly affects accuracy, a steel ball bearing spindle--designed and manufactured by Adcole-- is used in all Adcole gages. The robust spindle was designed for maximum accuracy and extended service with a runout of less than 0.01 µm and an angle accuracy of less than one-half arc second (calibrated).
Adcole 型號 1200-LX 測量儀具是基于高精度滾珠軸承主軸, 精密滑架和*的測頭設計。由于主軸的跳動直接影響精度, ADCOLE使用了自行設計制造的鋼球軸承主軸。這種堅固的主軸能在載荷下達到跳動小于0.01μm及角度精度低于半個角秒(標定后)
The Adcole follower employs a stiff steel carriageway and custom made, low-runout bearings that minimize follower deflection. Any resulting pitch and yaw motion effected as the follower extends/retracts is measured by the three laser tracks of the laser interferometer system and used to compensate final measured results. The long measurement range of the follower provides access past the gage axis.
Laser Interferometer:
To achieve the maximum accuracy, an Adcole designed laser interferometer is used to determine the carriage and follower (radius) position to 0.005 micron resolution. The proven Adcole design utilizes three laser paths for dynamic correction of any pitch and yaw errors. Radial measurements are accomplished with reference to a mirror, flat to within 0.125 microns. This design provides the sub-micron accuracy required for journal straightness, parallelism and roundness measurements.
Dynamic calibration is achieved (since the gage axis is accurately determined by the laser interferometer) using the mirror as a reference. Thus, the measurement of a master shaft is not required to accommodate a change in part length. This saves you time and the large expense of certifying and maintaining mastershafts.
•Touchscreen monitor, keyboard, and mouse mounted on pivoting panel for operator ease-of-use and sound ergonomics.
•Standard computer, min. 250 GB hard drive, 4 GB RAM, DVD-RW drive. (Used to process measured data and provide the operator interface for programming and controlling the gage)
•HP Deskjet A4 colour graphics printer (or equivalent device)
•HP 噴墨打印機 A4 彩色繪圖(或同等設備)
•Computer with sliding shelf for keyboard/mouse and TFT 19” touch screen monitor housed in a ruggedized, sealed industrial cabinet for shop-floor use.
2.4Gage Software and Operation:
The gage software program accommodates an unlimited amount of part numbers and separate gage operations for each part number.
Operation of the gage is accomplished via user friendly Touch Screen software program. The Main Menubuttons are shown below:
An operator simply tapsthe LOAD PART key on the touch screen and is immediately shown the gages full inventory of programmed parts.
The operator selects the desired part from the options list and is then returned to the main screen to begin measurements.
Data appears on the screen in real-time, charting and recording the measurements as they progress. Upon conclusion of the measurements, an output report is displayed which can be printed or stored by the operator.
2.5Gage Programming
The Model 1200-LX is easily programmed with output driven instructions. Creating new part files, measuring sequences, output and SPC reports can be accomplished in just a few clicks and with minimal data input.
Inspection Program Menu:
3.Optional Software Packages:
3.1Chatter Analysis Software (for Camshafts and/or Crankshafts)
This specially developed software determines and reports maximum amplitudes for customer-assigned frequencies and lobe regions. FFT analysis can reveal otherwise unobservable periodic signals by transforming the error data into a set of harmonics in the frequency domain. Outputs are in color-coded bar graph format, frequency verses amplitude. Out of tolerance amplitudes are reported numerically as well as graphically.
這個專門開發的軟件確定并報告客戶分配的頻率和葉區的很大振幅。FFT 分析可以通過將誤差數據轉換成一組頻域中的諧波來揭示觀測周期信號。輸出是彩色條形圖格式,及振幅頻率。輸出的振幅及公差帶將以數字及圖形化報告。