型號: C5225D C5240D C5250D C5263D
技術參數 | Specifications | 單位unit | 機床型號MODEL |
C5225D×16/16 | |||
車削直徑 | Max.turning diameter | mm | 2500 |
工件高度(H) | Max. height of workpiece | mm | 1600 |
工件重量(W) | Max. weight of workpiece | T | 16 |
工作臺直徑 | Worktable diameter | Mm | 2250 |
工作臺轉速范圍 | Range of table speeds | r/min | 0.63-63 |
工作臺扭矩 | Max torque of work table | knm | 63 |
刀架快移速度 | Rapid traverse of carriage | mm/min | 4000 |
右刀架切削力 | Ram vertical travel of right railhead | Kn | 35 |
左刀架切削力 | Ram vertical travel of left railhead | kn | 30 |
右刀架進給范圍 | Range cutting force of right railhead | mm/min | 1-50 |
左刀架進給范圍 | Range cutting force of right railhead | Mm/min | 0.1-1000 |
滑枕行程 | Travel of arm | Mm | 1000 |
滑枕截面 | Section of arm | mm | 220×220 |
刀架回轉角度 | Swivel of left and right railhead | ° | ±30° |
刀桿截面尺寸 | Section of tool | mm | 40×50 |
主電機功率 | Power of main motor | Kw | 55 |
外形尺寸 | Overall dimensions | mm | 5690×4210×5770 |
機床重量 | Weight of machine(approx) | t | 38 |