安陽福沃德機械有限公司是生產電主軸,機械主軸的廠家,擁有可靠的電主軸、機床主軸設計和制造技術、設備精良、品質可靠。 公司現有技術工程師和******銷售人員數十人,均從事該行業幾十年,公司十分注重科技創新和新產品研發,我們根據國內市場的發展趨勢 ,研發適用的各類新產品. 產品主要適用于:數控加工中心、高速內外圓磨削、數控車床、平面磨削、高速雕銑、木工機械等. 公司恪守理念:誠心、務實、創新、求精 公司經營宗旨:質量可靠用戶需求為主、技術可靠、服務完備 公司還可根據用戶的要求,開發設計各種主軸。 Anyang FORWORD Machinery Limited Company is made for The High Frequenly Spindles.Machine Spindles.This company has advanced desigh and production technology of electric spindle and machine tool spindle.It's equipment has the best quality. This company possesses a batch of better deucated.younger technical troops to be ded to devdlppment.have very strong develo pmant to design ability.Satisfy the special order requirement of user. Prducts are mainly applied in Numerical maching Centre,high speed inside and outside round grinding,Numerial Laths,high speed drilling,milling and carving.wood working carving and milling,etc.