Type: Face driving center,Dead driving head type
適 用: CNC車床、高速車床、滾齒機及其他機床。
Application: CNC lathe and high speed lathe and auto feeder and gear hobbing machine or other machine tool.特 點:使用本固定傳動插式頂針可正、反轉車削,使用前須先車削工件端面,才可使用,可前后同步車削工件一次加工完成。
Characteristics: Before using this center, Please machine the workpiece ends at first,it can be used to turn forward or reverse direction. it's suitable for front and rear synchronous turning so as to the turning process can be finished by one-time. different size center cone is available, So, it's convenient and cost saving.
注 意:使用本端面固定齒插式傳動頂針,靠尾座足夠壓力,即可傳動車削使用,尾座壓力越高,傳動力越大。
Note: Face driving by the enough pressure from the tailstock, stonger pressure, stronger driving force.
配 件:MT4套筒
Accessories: MT4 sleeve
規(guī)格 / Specification 單位/ UNIT:mm 精準度 TIR:<0.005mm>0.005mm>
型式/外表尺寸 Model/Spec | A | B | C | D | D1 | G | L | ? |
F67-1836-4 | 102 | 65 | 10 | 36 | 18 | 31.267(MT4) | 195 | 60° |
F67-2240-4 | 107 | 67 | 10 | 40 | 22 | 31.267(MT4) | 200 | 60° |
F67-2745-4 | 115 | 70 | 10 | 45 | 27 | 31.267(MT4) | 207 | 60° |
保留技術更改的權利 Subject to technical changes.
配件詳情頁/Accessories Page
技術要點與使用說明/Center technical user manual